1 - introduction

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"Okay what? marriage?!" Kei was shocked on the news that his parents said to him.

"Kei you need to understand, we can't let this opportunity slip" His father held Kei's both hand, hoping their son would agree.

"What do you mean opportunity?!" Kei slap away his father hands disagreeing to his parents decisions "Kei please, would you do it for me?" his mom begged at his son , also hoping that he would agree. "You agreed to this , Mother?!" Kei was rather shocked in disappointment, its hard being the only omega in their family, his brother Akiteru is an Alpha so his both parents. His father hated him, he knew about it, all 18 years he never really trusted or liked anybody except for his brother and his best friend named Yamaguchi Tadashi.

Kei never really go outside, his existence did not really matter despite being a prince in their country. Thus he never really had many friends nor gone outside the walls, he never had that childhood that every child did. He never felt emotion aside from emptiness, he would always be locked up in his room all day long. Despite all of that he met Yamaguchi , they became friends quickly. His mother would come visit him for awhile with his older brother, Akiteru.  

"Do what you want, I'll never agree to this!" Kei immediately rushed outside the room, his mother followed begging him to just agree to his father decisions which made Kei stopped from walking turning his head to his mom who was already in tears "I'm sorry Kei, I did not agree to this , i want you to find your own happiness but i can't really justify your Fathers decision." His mom was sobbing as Kei hugged her while she cries into his sons arms. Kei didn't know anymore, he does not want his mother crying because of a stupid reason.


His mother was rather schocked to his son's decision but she also felt guilty "Im really sorry Kei.." His mom apologizes again as he saw the king or his dad make his way to them "Come to the guest living room tonight, make sure to wear your proper attire and not those peasant clothing" He said as he walked past them. 

"Make sure to come, okay?" His mom said as she follows the king, wiping her tears.

Kei sighs as he spotted Yamaguchi "I can see you, you know" Yamaguchi jumped and made a weird sound "Gomen Tsukki" Yamaguchi laughs as he and Kei started to walk each other heading to Kei's room.

"So whats that all about?" Yamaguchi asked the prince who was frustrated "Its about my Mother and Father arranging me to a marriage" Yamaguchi went silent "How are you not surprised?"Kei looked at Yamaguchi with a confused look "Well its pretty normal to a royal family and i overheard the other servants talking about arranged marriage so Im guessing its either you or your brother. But i guess they were talking about you." Yamaguchi explained as Kei sighs "I never knew you were the type to eavesdrop on someones conversation" 

"Its not like that! I just overheard them thats all, i mean they're going to announce it soon enough so i guess its better to get a heads up." Yamaguchi said as he saw Kei who was peacefully sleeping, Yamaguchi hurriedly got out of the room.


It was already 6 pm, Kei was still sleeping not until he heard something.

'What was that' he thought.

He slowly got up, as he search for his glasses he saw the clock.

it was 6. He was supposed to get ready for the meeting, yet he was fast asleep.

He quickly changed his clothes into a proper attire that was delivered for him moments ago in front his door, he was guessing it was Yamaguchi who delivered it.

As he was about to go outside he heard a knocked on his door "Tsukki?" 'Ah its Yamaguchi'

He opened the door, only seeing Yamaguchi in front of him asking him to go because he was the only want they're waiting, which Kei sighed as he hurriedly walk to the guest living room where his Father pointed him to meet with other.

As he was walking he could hear them talking and laughing, he slowly enters and greeted them with a bow. As he was sitting on a chair, he lay his eyes on a familiar face. A black pointy hair which looked like a rooster head and that silly smile, Kei just quietly sat there minding his own business until he caught the black rooster head looked at him.

The black haired winked at Kei which made Kei looked in disgust. 'What is up with him?' Kei thought "Ah by the way, the kids don't know each other yet right?" Kei's Mother said as she told Kei to introduce himself, he stands up "I'm Tsukishima Kei, pleasure to meet you" following Kei's introduction Kuroo then stand up and walk towards Kei who was confused.

"Im Kuroo Tetsurou, pleasure to meet you my bride"

Kuroo grabs Kei's hand, then kissed it. Kei slapped away his hand immediately, he was shocked on what Kuroo did.

Everything went silent. "I-im sorry, i was shocked." Kei stutters as he apologizes "Oh i should be the one apologizing, im sorry for doing that without your consent" Kuroo bowed at Kei as they both went to their seats "O-oh im very sorry about that, you see my son is not very fond of affection thus never really associated with anyone" Kei's mother apologizes as they just laughed about it.

Kei on the other side was uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable, which made him excuse himself to go to the bathroom. Kuroo knew that Kei was uncomfortable just by judging at his reaction.

Kuroo also excused himself then followed Kei,  ahead of following him he suddenly trip which made him lost sight of Kei 'now what' he thought as he sighs in disappointment. 


words - 1011

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