Harry Potter And The Silver Doe (Party Fifty Two)

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The room was silent other than Harry's wrecked sobs. He desperately tried to control them but couldn't, only pausing to curse at himself. "I'm such a bloody idiot! Why didn't I make her stay?" Harry cursed into his hands. His heart and soul fell to the floorboards thick and fast. 

"I agree... But You did." A quiet voice said from across the room and Harry's head snapped up so fast he almost gave himself whiplash. There was Ginny, looking more beautiful than ever before even with the tears, still wet, on her cheeks. 

"Ginny!" He stood up, surprised and not quite knowing what to expect.

"I can't leave you. I can't ever leave you. I don't care if you love Hermione!" She ran to him and flung her arms around his neck tight. He hugged her waist tightly, trying to get all him emotions and apologies out through the embrace and she lifted her feet from the floor, wrapping her legs around his waist.

"You're lying." He smirked, kissing her cheeks and forehead and hair.

"Alright you caught me, I do care. But I care more about you and if that's who you are then that's how I'll take you. I couldn't even make it out of the room knowing you were upset."

"You're perfect!"

"I'n not."

"Alright then, you're perfectly imperfect. That's better than perfect could ever be!" He kissed her lips, his arms holding her as tight to him as possible. "I love you Ginny, I love you more than anything or anyone. I can't live without you, you make me who I am! I love you." Harry babbled as he pulled away from the kiss, running his lips happily along her jawline. Her hands clasped his cheeks, stroking them passionately as she cried gently. 

"I know Harry, I know!" They remained, Harry holding Ginny tightly to him, her with her legs wrapped tightly around his waist as he kissed her face, until Hermione and Ron walked in.

                 They were standing noticeably apart, awkwardly and deliberately not touching.

"Oi, Get the hell off my sister!" Ron said angrily, his cheeks flushing red. Harry laughed and threw Ginny a look that clearly said 'I told you so!' She shrugged and unwrapped her legs from him, placing her elegant shoes gently on the floor. Harry's arms remained wrapped tightly around her waist anyway. Luna followed Hermione and Ron, and Neville followed Luna. Luna's hand was wrapped tightly in Neville's but other than that it would be impossible to tell they were a couple. Ginny untangled herself from Harry and made to skip across to Luna but was halted sharply by her hand still in Harry's.

"Hey, I fully intend to keep my promise..Even with our slight...hiccup." He grinned and Ginny rolled her eyes but he could tell it was the right thing to say.

"So, shall we go and see Hagrid then?" 

Harry Potter And The Silver Doe (On Hold Indefinitely)Where stories live. Discover now