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Kisuke Urahara

Time had passed quite quickly after Ichigo had stolen Rukia's Soul Reaper powers. I warned Gaia to stay hidden. Now that Ichigo could sense spirit pressure and he had a powerful friend at his side, it would be a matter of minutes before she was found. I needed my plan to work flawlessly for her to survive this.

Gaia could not come out of hiding until Aizen Sousuke reveals his true intentions to the rest of the Soul Society. Which, I wouldn't know exactly when that would be without someone on the inside.

The events surrounding Rukia Kuchiki's capture were purely coincidental, but also highly convenient. Ichigo's determination to bring his friend back from her execution would allow Yoruichi to slip into the Soul Society undetected and report back to us what was happening.

Gaia was very uncomfortable with the entire plan. All of this was purely hypothetical at the moment , considering Ichigo currently had no power whatsoever.

"I want in." She had said to me while I explained everything to Yoruichi. We both looked at her in awe. I never expected Gaia to ever want to face Aizen after what had happened last time their paths crossed. I also believed it wasn't a good idea since majority of the current captains and lieutenants of the Gotei 13 were around when she "died".

"I have a special role for you my dear." I sighed. She pulled her hood over her head and stormed to the training grounds. Ichigo was down there with Tessai, Jinta, and Ururu preparing for Phase 1 of his training. I'm sure she wanted to supervise to make sure I didn't kill him.

As I approached the group I noticed that Ichigo seemed a bit on-edge with Gaia present. He couldn't see any aspect of what she looked like from where she was watching us, but it was almost as if he recognized her.

"Say, Mr. Hat and Clogs who's your Soul Reaper friend over there?" Ichigo asked gesturing to Gaia. She sat atop a cliff far behind us, but you could still make out the shape of her zanpakuto strapped to her waist.

"Just a friend. Nobody you need to concern yourself with Kurosaki. She's simply overseeing your training for these next couple days!"

Tessai grunted uncomfortably. He disapproved of my actions that resulted in the secrecy around Mrs. Shiba, but it was for the best. If I hadn't stepped in, she would have been destroyed on sight.

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