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Gaia Shiba

I knew I was crossing a line I set for myself by following him around like that. He was family though. Through watching him grow, I could also keep and eye on my big brother from time to time. Kisuke said I should stop, that if Isshin had ever found me, everything would come crashing down.

He would never forgive me for abandoning him.

"You cut it close tonight Gaia" Tessai scolded. I sighed in defeat as I descended down the ladder into the training grounds far beneath the shop. I felt that the rocky terrain was my home. It was my childhood, my adulthood, my everything. For decades I hid underground training. Mastering my powers, and learning to suppress others.

I never accepted the monster that Aizen Sousuke made me. I rejected everything he worked for. Though a voice echoes inside my head that screams to be released. I held her captive for this long. I promised myself I wouldn't allow her to see the light of day. I dropped my zanpakuto on the ground and sat next to it.

Reigestu has been the one constant in my life. I'd been able to communicate with her, to build my strength, and to call her a friend.

"You know, the place does seem pretty empty when you're not home" he teased. I looked up to see the blonde-haired brainiac I've grown to both love and hate.

"Maybe you should get a cat. Or I guess Yoruichi fits the bill on that one" I sneered. I'm sure of she had heard that statement I'd be sore until next week.

Suddenly out of nowhere there was a spike in spiritual pressure coming from the clinic. I grabbed Reigetsu but was stopped when Kisuke held onto my arm.

"You can't protect them and stay hidden at the same time Gaia. I wish you could, but you cannot have it both ways."

I was angry to say in the least, but he had a point. Boy did I hate it when he was right.

"The time will come soon enough, when both the World of the Living as well as Soul Society can learn on your survival. Until then, we must wait patiently." He assured me. I leaned my sword up against a rock and stood there for a moment. He didn't say anything else, we just stood there. The warmth of his hand penetrating my cold skin. I felt his grip slide down my arm until he was holding my wrist braces in each hand.

"Back then I promised you that I would find a way to bring you back. Back to who you were before Aizen."

His expression was solemn, there was disappointment in his eyes and I knew why. There was no fixing me. Kisuke didn't want to believe that at first. He wanted to help me, to ease my suffering. Though after all these years, I've learned to cope with my reality.

I wasn't a Soul Reaper anymore. I wasn't a Hollow either. I was just a regret.

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