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Track 3: Run Away With Me

Summer came and went without another awkward mishap with Daniel. How I managed this? I don't know. Whenever we wanted 'alone time', I made sure someone else was there. He didn't know I was doing this, but he also didn't know I was also talking to Stephen.

September fifth was the first day of school. I didn't let Daniel drive me, I wanted him to sleep. Things were defiantly going to be different since he wouldn't be there every day. It was more of a good thing than anything. I need time without him, to think.

Stephen was another subject. We've talked five or six times after the first encounter. We only talked about little things, like our day and why I liked to run. The answer to that, is I don't know. I found myself running at night a lot during the summer. The feeling of the wind in my face, and the exercise of my legs working, and feeling free, like no one can stop me; is what I told Stephen, and it was true. It was a interesting subject for him. The last time we talked was the longest, about Daniel. He figured something was up when I told him I disliked Daniel. I only dislike him for his sexual advances. Otherwise I loved him, even though we didn't share any interests. Opposites attract right? This conversation was about a month ago. I told him about what Daniel did, on my birthday. Stephen was enraged, telling me to break up with Daniel and never to be alone in a room with him again. So I'm fulfilling that.

I told him 'Thank You' and got off. Never getting on again. This boy was different, he drove me to do things that I should do but were too scared too. Mostly we'd talk about how much he wanted to be there for me, and be there with me. He calls me bela now, never Mae. I wanted to be with him, for him to hold me. I found myself thriving his presence, even though I realized I'd never feel it. I wanted him, not Daniel. So I stopped, stopped my contact with him.

Now I'm at school, and it's Wednesday, going to my second class, English. Finding the room and walking in the door, I instantly spotted Sasha and took a seat next to her near the back. "You'll never guess who our teacher is," she gushed. Confused I tilted my head, "Isn't it Mrs. Peach?"

"Even better!"

But, before I could question whom, a velvet voice drawled to the classroom, "Good morning class. It's good to see you after Summer break!" Rolling my eyes I slammed my head on my desk. Mr. Williams, again. I didn't have to look up to see him stand next to my desk, I could feel his presence. "Mae Owens! My favorite student," he said patting my shoulder. The touch sent shivers down my spine. "Did you read the book list I gave you," he asked, next to my ear.

"Nope. Didn't have time."

"Shame, The Orphan is my favorite."

The class went silent, they all knew I was an orphan. Brushing it off I ignored everyone, even Sasha, for the remainder of the class. Mr. Williams asked to talk to me after class, but I didn't. I walked right out like I always do. If I was left alone with him, it'd be the same thing as leaving me alone with Daniel I think.

After school let out that day, I drove home. My parents were gone on a business trip for a week. They left the day before last. If I needed anything, I was supposed to ask Daniel without 'any funny business'. What do my parents do? They usually work from home designing machines for factories. I guess one of the machines malfunctioned in Washington, so they had to leave and fix it.

Daniel didn't know about them being gone, and for that I was thankful because he would try and be over for the entire week. And if he tried that, I think I'd run. Don't get me wrong, I love to run. But not down the street; all the way to Oregon. As I went into my room, I took a long much needed nap.

As I woke, the first thing that came to mind was my growling stomach. Looking around, it was dark. The moon hung high above the trees. My clock read four in the morning. Being Thursday, it meant that tomorrow was Daniel's birthday, and I hadn't gotten him anything. Trotting down the stairs and into the kitchen I pulled open the fridge to find something to heat up. Pizza from the other night was better than nothing. After I gulped it down with a glass of orange juice, I jogged back upstairs.

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