Prologue: Men long Divided, must Unite

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The Felgardians pride themselves in their extensive experience and use of all forms of cavalry warfare. Their elite riders are rightfully feared by others and have gained such a notoriety that they became a subject of debates, conspiracies, and even myths from them numbering tens of thousands to the horses they breed thought to be divine in origin. Despite their evident focus on their military, their skills in diplomacy have granted them closer ties with the other kingdoms and factions, particularly the Kingdom of Helesta, and it has brought them knowledge unobtainable elsewhere.

Standing as the beacon of hope, prosperity, and peace, the Kingdom of Helesta of the east is a gem among rocks. The lenient and rather inviting atmosphere of the glamorous cities of the kingdom attracted many to the kingdom. With their focus on sciences and economy, the Helestans became capable in all forms of career paths ranging from engineering to military. In time and with the help of a bountiful land, Helestia grew to be the center of many things such as trade and education. It was believed that even the previous king of Felgarde received education in Helesta.

A great kingdom required a strong arm to protect itself. The Helestan army, while it lacked true cavalry units, is a formidable force on its own. They alone prevented rebellions and banditry to damage the kingdom in any way, and is home to the world's greatest minds and warriors. Their generals are exceptional strategists and their soldiers are well-trained and armed with the best the kingdom has to offer.

Decades of informal peace reigned. Rulers were succeeded by their offsprings and kingdoms prospered. Yet, the feeling of unease over the false peace continued to eat away at the patience of the monarchs. The royal family of Helesta recognized this and saw the need to finally start a true age of peace. And so for years, they set into motion a plan to bring the leaders of the various kingdoms, houses, and clans together to bring an end to a stagnated but still ongoing war. Festivals, tournaments, games, feasts, and other things are set, and the time soon came for men across the lands to begin the new age they do desperately wanted.

The venue would take place in Helesta's capital city on a vast plain where all the necessary preparations are taking place, overlooked by a towering castle. The prophets predicted a beautiful weather over the duration of the peace negotiations and festivals, and it couldn't have been more convenient.

However, not all things go as planned.

The peace the Kingdom of Helesta is proposing is heard by all, including bandits, looters, and raiders. These people took advantage of the situation by increasing the amount of attacks they conduct, taking many settlements off-guard. The Helestan military quickly moved to quell the outlaws, and while strong, they are easily stretched thin due to the vast lands the Kingdom of Helesta holds. This only worsened when the settlements by the main roads continued to be attacked and it wouldn't be a good impression if the representatives from other kingdoms pass by these main roads under attack by the brigands.

"I'll go." Lize Helesta offered to lead a contingent of royal guards to deal with the issue.

Lize Helesta is a young princess and is the fourth child of the ruling house in the kingdom. She is a beauty by all standards and can be described as a "passionate princess who excels in literary and military arts" despite her very young age. Lize is one who treasures friendship dearly and is easily moved into tears especially by goodbyes. And while young, she can be decisive when she chooses to be.

"Sister, you really shouldn't. Let our soldiers do it." Lize's younger brother whom she is very close to, Tedric Helesta says to her.

"Tedric is right, Lize. It's too dangerous for you to be dealing with bandits." Her eldest brother and sibling, Prince Grandi adds.

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