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This special is if you were in Nekoma :D

This special is if you were in Nekoma :D

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"Uwah Good Morning Dad..."

"(Y/n) dear your friends are in the living room!"


"Why hello there little (Y/n)."

A arm slings over my shoulders adding weight on me making me sink a little.

"Kuroo boy watch yourself." My dad warns Kuroo then looks at Kenma for help.

"Kuroo your ruining your chances with (Y/n) if you keep doing that." Kenma takes Kuroo arm off my shoulder.

"I was just playing~ let's start heading out squad (Y/n) I'll carry your bag." Kuroo says already having my bag slinged onto his shoulder.

"Hai~" I yawn and smile.

"And your bento missy." My dad holds my bento out only for Kenma to grab.

"I'll carry it, (Y/n) can you help me with this level?" Kenma asks me as we head towards the door.

"Yea this one is easy once you play it 20 times." I said grabbing Kenma phone and starting the round all over agin.

"You kids and your electronics...Have a good day at school you three and remember to protect my precious daughter!" My dad waves goodbyes at us as we walk out the door.

"We will Mister (L/n)!" Kuroo yells saluting.

The walk to school was a peaceful with a few chats here and there and me defeating the level Kenma was stuck on and before we knew it we made it to school.

"Hey guys!" The three of us look behind us to see the other team mates and Lev running at me with full speed.


"Idiot don't harass (Y/n)!" Yaku side chops Lev who was about a inch away from me.

"Thank you Yaku I think I would've been crushed by him." I sweat dropped at the tall Russian boyyo.

"No problem (Y/n)! Did you eat breakfast?" Yaku asks as we all walk in.

"No I kinda woke up late." I laugh and rub the back of my neck as we head into our school.

"Ai you. I'll get you something from the vending machine." Yaku says making me smile brightly at him.

"Thank you Yaku-Senpai." I open my locker on to have a couple of love notes fall out of it.

"Gosh (Y/n) your so popular with the boys! I must protect you from such animals!" Yamamoto says hugging me.

"Oi Yamamoto! Let the girl go your squeezing her!" Inuoka chops Yamamoto arms off of me and pets my head making me smile.

"Inuoka is that how you treat your senpai?!" The Mohawk boy points angrily at Inuoka who still pats my head.

"Yamamoto I don't think you should talk to us like that." Shibayama says while patting the said boys back.

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