Chp 3: Irresistable

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Laying me down still continuing to kiss me, Alex all of sudden stops.

" Piper...I just remembered we have to go meet with Nicky "

I start to kiss her again

" Well can't we just postpone the meeting with Nicky for some other day "

Alex stops kissing me me and grins

" No...but we can postpone this for tonight "

" ughhh... alrrriigghht "

If there was one thing to admit here it was that, well Al was driving me crazy..I really am addicted to her body, taste and.. I should go get dressed.

After an hour of trying to choose an outfit, we finally had gotten dressed and were out the door

" Why do you think Nicky contacted us? "

" I'm clueless myself, I just hope she hasn't gotten herself in trouble "

" Hope not "

Driving to a Starbucks in the city, we got out of the car and started walking towards the entrance.

" There they are, the not lesbians "

Nicky says chuckling

" Glad to see your doing just fine " Al says grinning

" Well you know, got the mom to lend some cash while I settle and look for a job. what have you two been up to? Never heard from you guys once you left Litchfield "

" Living life with this one " Al chuckles and places a kiss on my cheek

" Alright, alright stop it, you two are going to make me want to commit with a girl I've been seeing "

" No way?! " I say to Nicky with a surprised look

" Yeah surprising huh chapman "

" Alright, alright were not in prison anymore "

We ordered 3 latte's and continued to chat for about an hour, until Nicky had received a phone call about a job she had applied for.

" Well it was nice catching up but I have to run, how would you guys like to come over for dinner at my place Saturday afternoon "

" Sounds great Nichols "

" Alright Vause, Chapman I'll see you two at my place Saturday. I'll text one of you my address "

" See you later Nichols " Al said

We hugged her, got into the car and headed to the grocery store. We did have to restock since Alex had work tomorrow and so did I.

From picking vegetables to dairy, we made it to the car and started to load the trunk with all the bags. It was a peaceful trip back home, commenting on how surprised we were that Nicky had finally become a responsible adult.

Getting off the car and unloading everything out of the trunk to the kitchen counters, I decided to go and take a shower.

Walking out of the room with just a towel and heading towards the bathroom I peek out from the edge of the door

" Would you like to join "

" I'd love to join pipes but this fridge needs to be cleaned. There's tomatoes that are decomposing at the bottom of the drawer, and other shit with mold on it "

" Well have fun touching moldy food, when instead you could be touching me "

Al walking towards me and putting her arm on my waist

" Later babe. Unless you wanna open the fridge and have to smell disgusting expired food "

" Fine.. "

Chuckling she walks away with that little smirk of hers

After taking the worlds possible longest shower, I walk out noticing Al looking towards my direction

" 45 minutes must be the new record for the worlds longest shower eh? "

" oh shut up, you better get in that bathroom and wash that smell off your skin. Don't think you'll be getting into bed smelling like that Al "

Standing up from the dinner table she walks to me

" I absolutely love it when you boss me around, you know that babe "

Kissing me she walks into the bathroom

" did you place a fresh pair of pajamas on the counter "

" I would never forget Al "

Closing the door, I undressed and headed into the shower. Feeling every drop of water on my pale skin I stand there thinking, how could it be that after so much we had gone through... Piper had not run back to her ex Larry.

After so much we had done to each other, she still truly did love me. She was all I had ever wanted, since the day I saw her at that bar. Even after she had left me when I most needed her, there was always going to be this part of me which loved her. Piper was different, she was..... the love of my life.

Turning off the faucet I stepped out, dried off and got dressed. Heading out of the bathroom, as I'm walking towards the bed I notice Piper is standing near the bed with a grin.

" What are you up to pipes "

I ask as I remove the towel from my hair... I get no response so I look up and my towel drops as her robe does as well. She walks slowly and seductively to me, puts her hand on my cheek and starts kissing me.

By now hand on my waist, she starts pulling my shirt up. In just a bra and pants I grab Piper from her thighs, pick her up and push her against the wall. Passionately kissing her from lips to chest, I start heading towards the bed and lay her gently on the clean bed sheets.

From lips to her toned stomach, I softly start to kiss her lower and lower... Until I'm kissing the inside of her thighs. Moaning and grunting all you can hear coming out of pipers mouth is

" oh.....fuck...".

Taking off her bra in a second, I start to massage her breasts as I kiss my way up to the middle of her chest. Slowly and gently licking her nipples. I put my hand down her underwear and start to kiss her neck

" you're so... wet Piper "

Moaning and breathless she starts to dig her nails in my back

" just love to leave a mark huh"

" Please...Don't... Stop "

Reaching for my bra I grab Piper's arms and place them above her head, chuckling while trying to remove her shorts and panties with one hand she manages to flip me over and be on top.

Grabbing both of my hands she places them on the bed and whispers softly into my ear

" You have to learn Al that you can't always be in control "

After removing each other's clothes and having such passionate breathtaking sex, we end up relaxed and calm in bed. Pipers head laying on my left breast, I push her chin up and kiss her gently and softly.

" I heart you Pipes "

Laughing and smiling at me Piper kisses me back

" I heart you too Al "

We fell asleep on each other, after all tomorrow was going to be a long day.

[ now currently working on chapter 4: inevitable. COMING SOON ]

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