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Yuki: Will you ever shut up?!

Azuma: Rose sure is lively today.

Tasuku: I guess something happened?

Me: Yes! That's why I'm so excited!

Masumi: Just spit it out already. You're being too loud.

Hisoka: Zzz

Me: Hisoka wake up this is important!

Kumon: Now I'm really excited!

Banri: So? Out with it.


Me: I got 5k reads and #1 on yukirurikawa

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Me: I got 5k reads and #1 on yukirurikawa

Tsumugi: That's great Rose!

Yuki: I knew you would use me for fame.

Me: I'm not famous and I put you as a tag because I love you too much it's bad for my health.

Yuki: *blush* Shut up.

Sakuya: It sure is loud in here.

Itaru: Yeah. What's happening?

Chikage: Rose's book got kind popular and now she's way too excited.

Muku: Uwah! That's so great!

Me: Thanks Muku I love you too!

Tsuzuru: How many of us do you love?

Me: All of you.

Tsuzuru: Oh. You meant like family.

Me: nope.

Tsuzuru:oh okay

Tsuzuru: Wait. What?

Me: Gotta blast!

~But seriously thank you for reading this book. I appreciate everyone of you!🥰~

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