Realization and Jealousy

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Chanyeol was about to put on his shirt when someone outside rang the door bell as if there is no tomorrow. He walked to the door hurriedly while putting his shirt on his shoulder and opened the door quickly.

Yonghwa started to ring Joo Hyun’s doorbell like crazy as soon as he was closer enough to do so. He was afraid that he would again waver at the last minute and went home. Only to be startled, the one who opened the door was the half naked Chanyeol.

Chanyeol gave the stoned Yonghwa a questioning look. He looked at himself when he realized Yonghwa was studying him. He gave him a mischievous smile “Joo Hyun is taking a shower.” He opened the door wide “Come on in” he said

Yonghwa stepped inside quietly, his brows furrowed, teeth clenched. 

Chanyeol followed him as soon as he closed the door. He is enjoying every twitch and every clench Yonghwa is making. He bit his tongue to prevent him from laughing “Jealous much?” he thought grinning widely behind Yonghwa’s back. He was about to offer him something when Joo Hyun yelled from inside the bathroom 

“OMO! Dangshin!! I forgot my towel, please get it for me.” Joo Hyun called from inside not aware of Yonghwa’s presence

Chanyeol wanted to laugh out loud but held it in when he saw Yonghwa’s face reddened and formed a fist as he heard her.

“Arasso, I’ll get it. Please wait for me.” he said smiling widely. He was inside her room when he burst out all the laughter that he held in, he laughed without making a sound, afraid Yonghwa might hear from the outside.

“Yah! Dangshin. Pali!” Joo Hyun called again 

It took him a while before he composed himself and went out while holding her towel as if nothing had happened. He was midway to the bathroom when he heard her say again

“OMO, you left your towel here, I’ll just use this instead.” She said that made him rushed to the door

“Yah! Don’t” Chanyeol said, knocking at the bathroom door while looking at Yonghwa, now white-knuckled while heaving 

“I’ll just use this! Just wait for me” Joo Hyun yelled again

Yonghwa stood up abruptly and stormed out of her apartment slamming the door behind

Chanyeol rolled on the floor from laughing; one hand that is holding her towel touched his stomach now aching from laughing so hard, the other hammered the floor

Joo Hyun went out of the bathroom wearing her bathrobe, Chanyeol’s towel on top of her head, her wet hair neatly wrapped. “What was that bang? I heard the doorbell did someone came?” she asked while looking down at Chanyeol “Yah! Have you gone nuts?!” she said when he didn’t answer, a smile spread on her face amused of what she see

Chanyeol tried to speak but couldn’t, he wiped the tears that came out from her eyes due to laughing so hard. He shook his head when he saw Joo Hyun expecting an explanation.

“Aii! Sinchaaa!! You’re crazy.” She said slapped his bare shoulder as she walk pass him and slammed her bedroom door.

Chanyeol’s laughter has ceased the moment she motioned to close the door. But the incident earlier played back in his mind and he started laughing again

Joo Hyun opened her door when she heard his laughter returning “WAE?!” she yelled. She looked at his laughing form, his laughter is like music to her ears, a smile spread her face and without knowing she began to laugh with him

Chanyeol looked at her “Why are you laughing?” he asked while gasping for breath

“I don’t know!” she held her aching stomach “I must be crazy too.” She continued and they laughed their hearts out until they stopped

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