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Kisuke Urahara

"You know, one of these days he will find you sneaking around. Then what will you do?" I asked tipping my hat to cover my face. I could hear her shifting around uncomfortably.

"I couldn't just leave him. He's my big brother after all, how am I just supposed to let him go?"

I knew that what I had done to Isshin back in the Soul Society would hurt him. It destroyed him at the time, and deep down I suffered for the crime of letting Aizen Souske continue his experiments in Hollowification.

Nobody would have understood my motives. She still doesn't. I don't blame her for not trusting me. I wouldn't consider myself the trustworthy type.

"Maybe letting him go would be easier on the both of you." Tessai suggested.

"Someone has to watch over Ichigo" she sighed. She was right though. Isshin's kid was growing more and more troublesome by the day. He reeked of spiritual pressure which was perfect bait for a list of Hollows slipping into town.

I lifted my hat and glanced over at her. She was wearing a modified sleeveless Shihakusho that ended at the thigh instead of the standard ending at the ankle. Yoruichi had custom made it so that she could still fight.

Her hollowified markings still enclosed her arm in a spiral on bone ending at the two wrist braces. Hidden under her garment was also the hole where her soul once was.

I let Aizen Souske free in the Soul Society under one condition. He would hand Gaia Shiba over to me. I never spoke of his treason to anyone until I was banished. Tessai, Jinta, and Ururu were the first to meet her.

The Visored were the second. After all, Gaia was the sole success of Aizen's experiments where the others had partially failed. After his run-in with them, I had to run and escape with all of them into the World of the Living. I almost have my own Hollow and Soul Reaper army.

"Say Kisuke, do you ever regret coming to find me?" Gaia asked. She wasn't looking at me, but I know she blames herself for my banishment.

"If I could go back to that day, I would do it all the same." I smiled. Her expression softened and she rester her head on my shoulder.

Gaia, you are probably the one this most precious to me. I would never regret saving you.

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