oh my

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Oh my stars. I just got tagged to join an RP. Like yay, you thought of some stranger, but thanks? I guess? Idk.

Idek who the person is, so probability of my joining is slim. But anyways. They only allowed 2 sexualities, limited our name choices and basically limited our Faceclaim choices. Like yes, if it's for something in particular, I get that. But still. I just. Ugh I'm momentarily refraining from banging my head on a wall. I don't like being refrained, I don't like not knowing anything. Like.

It was a kpop idol thingie. I don't know anything about that. Why would I join? If it was mythology or something like that, then yeah, I would join. Idk

It just feels disrespectful to people who are trans, nonbinary, ace, bi etc etc. Only allowing hetero and homo like I- smh smh

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