Chapter Sixty-Three

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"I ate too much." I whined as I flopped back onto Tom's bed, my head in his lap.

"I told you not to finish those noodles." He shook his head down at me, a smile on his face.

He absentmindedly ran his hand through my hair as he looked back up at the velociraptors stalking Tim and Lex in the kitchen on screen.

I hadn't been able to watch most of the film, I've spent too long watching Tom.

He stilled looked like he hadn't slept in weeks.

He was still so beautiful though, his green eyes were so bright in the light of the TV and fairy lights, his hair occasionally falling into them, it was like he didn't notice sometimes until I pointed it out.

  "Will you ever stop staring at me?" He whispered just as the film ended.

I didn't know he'd noticed, he usually pointed it out straight away.

He looked down at me, curious. "Nope, not ever." I gently smiled before he sighed.

"Is there any point in putting the second one on or are you just going to watch me for two hours again?" He raised his right brow at me.

"I don't know, let's find out." I giggled and sat up, letting him get to the DVD player. "I'm going to change." I added, sliding off the bed before he did, the buckles on my dungarees were irritating me when I laid down. "And I have to feed Sky." I rolled my eyes.

He was already shaking his head. "Jade and Drew have taken care of it they took her on her walk, they've fed her, they'll bring her in at bedtime."

I shook my head, smiling. He'd planned the whole evening so I could relax and try and forget about everything.

It had helped, made me feel like I was the old me again, the normal me.

I'd fallen asleep half way through the second film and Tom had let me sleep, when I'd woken up, Tom was already at work, there was a message on my phone, 'didnt want to wake u up, looked cute. See u when I get home tonight. Love u xxx'

My heart gave a little squeeze and I shot a text back telling him I loved him too before I dragged myself out of bed.

When I ventured downstairs, finally dressed and presentable, Sky was asleep on the couch, her head in Drew's lap.

I dumped myself onto the armchair and Drew started talking as soon as I looked up at him.

All day I could tell he was still tiptoeing around me, he let me watch what I wanted on TV and didn't try and argue like he usually would, he was careful to stick to happy, meaningless subjects, but I was grateful.

Me and Drew didn't often get a whole day together without Jade and Tom around, it was nice to hang out with him without Jade worrying about me, I knew he'd be monitoring me and reporting back to Jade later, telling her everything I did and said and my every facial expression but I didn't mind, I didn't have to be careful around him and I could be myself, miserable or not.

"You want to watch me cook dinner again and then when people come in you tell them that 'we're' cooking?" Drew smirked at me.

"Yeah! Let's cook." I smiled and pulled myself up from the chair, we'd moved throughout the day but I was still stiff from sitting for so long, I'd felt like I was fusing to it.

Despite my complaint about being sat too long, as soon as we got into the kitchen I jumped up onto the counter, wincing as it hurt my body.

I looked up and Drew was about to ask me if I was ok, I could see it in his eyes. I held my hand up to cut him off, "I'm ok, just a twinge, I'm not going to die." I rolled my eyes at him.

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