"yes. but where are we going?" she asks while wiping her nose with the back of her hand. She still felt nosy because of crying.

Aditya tapped his watch, " 5.30." 

Zoya nods in yes and leaves for her room. It is 2. 30 on the watch. She still has some time on her hands for herself. If she will be a monkey for his tricks, she better takes as much rest as she could for his next game.

He checked for his pocket and reached out for a new cigarette; he lifts and pulls a breath, inhaling the numbness that a cigarette could offer as he watched her climbing the stair, and soon she disappeared before his sight.


She narrowed her eyes, " You can't be serious."

"Very much," Aditya replied while finding a place to park his car. 

"What am I supposed to do in a campaign? Please stop the car. I want to leave at this very moment." 

Aditya acted as if he didn't hear and pulled out the handbrake and removed the key from his car. 

"Come." He offered his hand to her to hold. She looked at the hand and then at him as if he was some alien from a different planet.

"Why have you brought me here? Please, I am not comfortable," she begged him to let her go, but he gave her a blank stare before eyeing his empty hand. She didn't need to be told twice. He wanted her to hold his hand so hesitatingly she let her hand slip into him. He smiled and began walking with her to the entrance.

"What am I supposed to do?"

"You will know soon." 

As soon as she entered the Sex worker campaign conference, she met with a group of paparazzi, ready to jump on her with questions. Somehow Aditya stole her from the taunting eyes and brought her to the middle of the stage. She looked at him with an expectation to guide her through what she is expected to do when she heard a voice echoing through the room.

"Ladies and Gentleman, meet this beautiful woman.  Zoya Siddiqui she is here for your answers, please come here and take your seat. The interview will begin in a while." Zoya looked at Aditya with scrunched brow. 

"What are you talking about? Which interview?"

"You really didn't think I have hired you for 3 days picnic, didn't you?" he countered with a smirk.

Now everything made sense to her. He would use her as a material to publicize and market his mother's party and campaign. She was not a doll with whom he could play with. If she stayed back, media would tatter her remaining soul with their brutal questions. She was not ready for this. How could he be so inhuman to put her in this situation where the world would know now, Her identity...

"Zoya, The prostitute."

Her eyes stung with the way media presented her on the live telecast.

"So Zoya ji,  are you married?"

"Zoya ji, how long are you in this profession?"

"Zoya ji, are you here willingly or someone forced you?"

"Zoya ji, do your parents know what you do for your living?"

"Zoya ji what all things a client asks you to do?"

"Zoya ji how much you earn in a day, how many men you sleep within a day?" The reporters cheekily laugh, " sorry night?"

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