first day

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Rose's P.O.V

Its the first day of school and I'm looking for something to wear.

Damn why did I pick out my clothes yesterday I'm going to be late.

*Banging on the door*

"Rose you better be up its the first day of school you can't be late,"my mom said from the other side of my door.

"I'm up I'm up just hold your pants lady," I say yelling back

I decided that I'm going to wear my black joggers with black shirt and sky blue shoes. Different huh lol.

My phone rang and a saw I had text message from my boyfriend Quint

Bae: hey baby I hope you have a Wonderful day at your new school, I miss you

Me: aw thanks bae I miss you too be good at school

I put in my pocket and make my way down stairs. Mom made her traditional first day of school breakfast eggs, grits, bacon, and waffles. I looooove waffles!!!

"So you ready for your first day of school" my mom says as she sits next to me.

"Ready?! I'm more then ready. I was born ready. I can't believe it I'm going to therma highschool"

" Alright chill out before you choke

on on your waffle"

"Haha my bad ma,"I say then take another bite of my waffle

"So look, you know that am proud of you for getting into therma but you gotta remember the school is not just for performing art students. A lot of those kids are bad and I DONT want you getting caught up in any of that foolishness. You understand?"

"Yes ma'am"

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