PART 1 (New job)

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Hello guys. My name is Rina. Actually my truly name is, Park Minseo. Why I'm change my name to Rina is because when I'm moved to Liverpool, my cousin family have difficult to pronounce my truth name  so they change to Rina.

   They said that name very suitable with me. My personality.

   And now I'm moved to South Korea back because I'm change a job. I've got a new job at South Korea.

   "Minseo si? Why you still being here? Big boss wanna see you now." Oh yeah.. now I'm at the company and this is my first day for my new job. Okay, now I'm need to met Big boss.

At big boss office~

   *Knocked knocked* "come in." I'm opened the door and look down. "Park Minseo. Come here. I need to tell you something." I'm walking towards him. "Don't be scared of me. Raised your head." He smile at me.

   "Uncle wanna you met Park Jimin this evening. I hope you still remember him." My mind. 'Park Jimin? That guy? He always bully me when I'm at same school with him because I'm fat.' I'm smile.

   "Yeah. Of course. I remember him. He always bully me(whisper)."

  "What?" He asking me.

   "Ahh..nothing.. hahaha.. at where?" He give me a address. "Cafe?" He nodded. "Oh by the way, why I need to met him?" He smile. "Nothing special. I just wanna you two met again after 10 years?" My eyes get widened.

  "Ahh.. okay.. I'll go.." I'm leave the office.

  'I wondered if he still knowing me or not. Yeah, maybe he's not knowing me again because I'm change. All of me. From my physical and also my mentally. I will make you regret with me, Park Jimin.' I'm back to my house after the office hours is done.

End of Part 1.

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