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Reader POV

"No!" I shouted at my friend.

My friend was trying to get me to go to our schools volleyball practice. This has been going on for days. She has a crush on the caption Futakuchi and wanted to observe what was happening but she was too scared to go alone.

"Y/N! Come onnnnn! For me please! You'll even get to see Aone! You're so similar and have many things in common y'know?"

'Similar? How? Aone is a giant while I'm a measly 5'0". On top of that I only weigh about 100 pounds. He's all quiet and stoic. I'm loud and obnoxious which happens to be one of my best traits! How exactly are we similar? I mean I don't hate him or anything it's just, we've only talked once and that's because he apologized for bumping into me. Similar my butt.'

"F/N, I don't want to! I have a train to catch and everything! I'll be late."

"Y/N, if you come to this one practice then I won't bother you again about it. Just today please." My friend pleaded.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

"Fine you win. But this is the only time I'm embarrassing myself for you. Two first years going to a volleyball match uninvited is just trouble waiting and we may look like we are stalkers but fine."

"Y/N thank you so much!" My friend took my hand and she ran super fast to the gym as practice was about to start. She was practically dragging me by how fast she as running. Where was all this speed when we were late to our first period, huh?

We finally arrived at the gym and I could tell my friend was having second thoughts about everything.

"We have come this far, F/N. I am not going back."

"Well maybe tomor-"

I pulled her arm into the gym and we walked in. All eyes were on us as they could hear us arguing. I turned to the team. It was an interesting bunch. I saw a guy who looked like a bird and I'm pretty sure he was in my grade. I saw Futakuchi as well and he seemed to be nonchalant about everything. I also saw Aone who seemed to be staring at me and he was smiling but he still managed to be intimidating.

"Uh hello! We just wanted to observe today's practice if that's okay!" I took my hands off my friends arm and I bowed.

My friend quickly took notice of this and she bowed too.

It was quiet for a bit and I looked up to see the team staring at Futakuchi. He nodded and said "sure just don't make too much noise."

I could feel hear my friends smile grow bigger as she said "okay!". She dragged me to the bleachers where we sat to watch them play.

About ten minutes into the practice, I wasn't really excited until I noticed Aone. He was practically blocking all of the spikes being thrown at him. I was amazed and I leaned forward at the anticipation. It was so cool.

"Y/N.... you seem really interested in the game. No... a certain someone IN the game"

I rolled my eyes when my friend said this.

"It's just his blocks. I think it's cool okay?"

"Sure, if that's what you say"

The practice lasted for about two hours until it was time to go. Everyone was packing up.

"Y/N are you going to be okay? Sorry that I made you stay and now you have to catch another train ride. Your mom will be worried on why you're late."

"Yeah it's fine, I can make up an excuse to tell my mom but you better stay back and at least talk to Futakuchi. I did not come here for nothing." I say with a smile.

Futakuchi was by the bleachers on the other side of the gym talking to one of his teammates. My friend was staring at him hard and she smiled.

"Okay. I will F/N"

She hugged me and left as she walked over to him. I smiled a bit and I packed up my stuff and left as I wanted to catch the last train ride.

I ran as fast I could to the train station and luckily for me there was one left. I was the first one the train and I sat in a random spot as this wasn't my normal ride. I tried to look as happy as possible but that was impossible for me, my face soon turned into a glare and I was staring at the ground. Incoming passengers looked at me scared and they walked by the empty seat that was next to me on the bus.

On my old train ride this was a normal thing. I would always have a natural scowl on my face and this had made everyone around me wary of me. No one wanted to sit next to me as they seemed to be kind of scared. I'm not sure what they thought I could do to them as I was a small girl but I guess that's life.

I sat there waiting for the train to move when I noticed someone standing next to my seat. I turned and looked up to see Aone. He was looking down at me.

"Is this seat taken?" He said quietly.

Everyone on the train seemed to be surprised that he even asked. I didn't really care so I nodded and he sat down next to me.

It was silent for a bit until he said something.

"No one usually wants to sit next to me either." He said quietly.

'Oh, guess we do have something in common'

Y/n current concern: She has to make up new excuses everyday to her mom on why she's staying late at school so she can take the last train ride home.

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