🌸chapter five🌸

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"what have they told y'all so far?" Sam, Mikaela, and Galaxy kept quiet.

   "ugh, what would you make you speak?!" Sam turned around and looked at the man.

        Sam: "I want my car." Then He went quiet again. They finally arrived at the Destination.  The saw the same man. Galaxy glared at him.

     "Hey kids, we got off the wrong foot back there my name is Simmon" Galaxy looked away. As she wince, because of the bullet hole in her shoulder.

          Simmon: "You must be hungry.do you want something to eat?"

Sam: "where our car?" Simmon sighed.

      Simmon: "children listen to me okay, people can die here. We need to know everything you know." Sam looked and smiled.

          Sam: "okay but first my sister need to see medical attentions and we need  something to eat, I want our  parents, and our car, and Mikaela juvenile records need to disappear, like for forever!"  Galaxy was taken to get medical attention and Mikaela went with Sam and Simmon.

       Simmon: "alright, here the situation...You've all had direct Contact with the NBEs." Sam looked confused.  Galaxy walked up behind Sam. He looked at her to see her in a new outfit

 He looked at her to see her in a new outfit

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She smiled at Sam. Sam look on her shoulder and saw white bandages. Then he looked back at Simmon.

        Sam: "what the hell is the NBEs?"

         Simmon: "Non-Biological Extraterrestrials. Try and keep up with the acronym."  He turned to them "what you about to see is totally classified." Then he opened the door and they saw a frozen robot.

       Galaxy: "Megatron." She whispered.

           Secretary leader: "Dear lord, what is that?!"  Simmon started to explaining why and how  Megatron  got there.

      Sam: "Well let me correct you, sir that Megatron, the leader of the decepticons!"

Simmon: "he been frozen since 1935.. your great great grandfather.... made the greatest discoveries in history of mankind." He explained. "fact is your looking at the source of modern age, microchips, laser, spaceflight, cars, all reverse engineered....by studying him. NBE one,that what it call." Simmon said

Galaxy eyes widen in Terror, she grabs Simmon arm. He looked back at Galaxy.

Galaxy: "A-Are you gonna use H-Honey for... for parts?!" She started to sob quietly. Simmon looked at Her:

Simmon: "Maybe.... maybe not." Galaxy let go of Simmon. Then the Secretary step up.

Secretary: "And don't you think that US military should know about the alien robot frozen in your basement?"Galaxy walked up to Megatron and stared into his eyes. Then it blink. Galaxy's eyes widen. She walked over to Simmon  and tried to get his attentions. Simmon looked at her and she pointed to Megatron. Simmon saw cracks appearing.

✨Transformer book one : "The star above us"⭐️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora