"I've already discussed this with your manager and the creative services director I put into contact with you. They've agreed to let you work and get paid for your time. As well as having the night off from managing the grounds crew. They will come in in the morning to close up the field while we have an upcoming away series against the Marlins."

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Alana was gobsmacked. They were letting her take pictures and get paid to do it!?

"Um wow. I am shocked and so freaking greatful Jake you have no idea. I guess I'll meet you on the field after the game?"

"Mmhmm, I'll be the one wearing all the red and blue body armor over the pinstripes." He chuckles and it was so wholesome and real it made Alana smile.

She bites her lip to control the excitement flowing in her veins, "Goodnight, J.T."

"Goodnight, Alana." The way her name rolls off his lips sends giddy chills down her spine.

Alana ends the call and stood up from the desk screaming into the closest pillow she could find, jumping up and down like a child.


Alana got to the ball park a little earlier than usual just so she could clock in earlier to try and get some shots of the game. She was so elated to have a night like this where she wasn't confined in a stuffy office wearing stuffy office appropriate clothes.

For tonight Alana fashionably sported a pair of high waisted skinny jeans, a white spaghetti strap body suit, and some Adidas sneakers. Her normally wavy Latina hair was slicked back into two French braids on each side of her head. Around her neck hung something that was more precious than any jewelry; it was her camera. Draped across Alanas shoulder was the laptop bag she would use to upload photos so they could view them on a bigger screen.

As soon as she passed employee security and got onto the main concourse of the ball park, her nose was immediately flooded with the smells of popcorn, roasted peanuts, and sausage with peppers. These smells never get old and neither does the fans.

The fans were lively tonight even though the Phillies were down by three in the bottom of the seventh inning. This is another reason why Alana loved Philly so much. Win or lose the fans will always come out and show support for their team.

Although, she was curious if the fans are so lively tonight because the Phillies are playing against the Mets and nobody here likes the Mets. There is a level a pure hatred to that team much like the Eagles and the Cowboys.

Alana walked around towards the right side of home plate towards the Phillies dugout and flashed the security her employee badge once again. Once they gave her the okay Alana unzipped the camera from it's black case around her neck and began taking shots.

By now it was the top of the eighth inning and her heart did a little flutter when she noticed J.T. was up to bat with the bases loaded....

She started snapping so many pictures of him in his batting stance and some when he was swinging. Currently he was at two balls and two strikes.. only one more chance to get us some headway or even the lead. Alana her her breath when the pitcher let another ball soar through the air and it was like time had stopped the air thick with suspense.

Quickly changing the setting on her camera to a slow shutter speed she captured the ball flying towards J.T. and his face of pure concentration. The background of the photo was completely blurred making it look like the picture was frozen in time.

Just like that In the blink of an eye all you heard was this deafening crack of the ball colliding with J.T.'s bat. The ball soared through the air and fans immediately started jumping and screaming and J.T began running the bases. It was like the camera in Alana's hands had a mind of its own, clicking away getting as many pictures as possible.

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