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As soon as Aj is off to class, I say bye to Keefe and head to the Telepathy room with Fitz. We decided to try mentoring together this year, instead of doing work for the council. You could say we were taking a break. Tiergan agreed to sit in with us until midterms. He would report to the council, and we'll find out by the end of midterms if we can be permanent mentors or not. Our first prodigy is a Level 4 girl named Ceciliana. She's pretty good. The session goes by quickly. We just teach her basic rules of Telepathy, which is apparently standard to learn every year. Soon the session is over and we're waiting for our next prodigy. I start fixing up my desk while I wait. I don't notice that there's a prodigy here until I hear a thump. I look up and my jaw drops. Tiergan and Fitz are holding back laughter. I rush to help Aj pick up his books.

"Am I in the right room?" He asks. I smile.

"Are you here for Telepathy?" I ask. He nods. 

"Then yes." Fitz finishes for me. Aj looks super shocked still. Just then Jenny skips in.

"OMG! You guys are our mentors?! Super cool!" She cheers. Aj snaps back to the present. 

"Hey Jenny!" He waves. She waves back smiling. Fitz and I share a sly smile.

"Okay. Sit down guys." Fitz says.

"So I assume we're doing cognate excersizes?" I turn to Tiergan. He nods back at me. Well if there's one thing Fitz and I can do like pros, it's cognate excersizes. 

"First, Jenny, do you know how to get into Aj's mind?" Fitz asks. She nods, looking at Aj for permission to enter his mind. He nods. I watch as she adjusts herself, and places her fingers on his temples. 

"Wow. I didn't realize how right Keefe was about the whole staring into each other's eyes thing." I whisper to Fitz. He chokes back a laugh. 

"Okay, now, you need to start by telling each other 3 secrets that no one else knows." I instruct. I see Tiergan smiling at us from the corner of my eye. I look back to Jenny's confident expression. It's the same one Fitz wore the first time we dd this same lesson. Then I see Aj's terrified expression and wonder if that's how I looked. I turn to Fitz who looks like he's trying very hard not to laugh. I slap him, and he bursts. He laughs so hard, that he startles Jenny and Aj falls off his chair. I get this weird sense of deja vu. Finally, Fitz stops laughing.

"Sorry. Sophie, he just looks so much like you. Remember the first time we did this? You were so scared because you thought you had to tell me you l-" I slap a hand over his mouth before he ruins this for Aj and Jenny. His eyes widen in understanding. I nod slowly and take my hand off. The kids are looking at us weird.

"Sorry about that. Let's get back to the excersize." I say. The put their fingers back on each other's temples. I turn to Teirgan.

"Are we supposed to check if they're really doing the activity?" I whisper as quiet as possible. He just lets out a soft, quiet chuckle. 

"That's up to you. I trusted you and Fitz did yours. If they don't do it, it will show." He explains. I nod and decide not to invade. I watch them stare into each other's eyes for about 15 minutes before Aj turns away blushing. But what happened next was pretty crazy.

There for me 3(A KOTLC SOKEEFE STORY)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora