The scarf

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Note: this is a one shot. I wanted to add some more variety into the little FHFIF fanfics there are on here. Another thing if I left the ending ambiguous on purpose, I was thinking about doing some alt endings if I can get at least 3 stars on this shit I'll write good/semi bad/bad endings to go along with this very long story. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

It was a cold Thursday evening the day it happened. The temperatures had started to spike downwards during that time, to the point it had started snowing a bit every now and then. I was coming back inside from a long time outside doing a variety of things with the others, such as basketball, jump rope, etc.

Bloo even tried throwing a couple of flimsy snowballs at Mac, though there was very little snow despite how cold it was. I was shivering very violently when I came inside with everyone, for I had lost my scarf a couple of days before and couldn't find it at all(not that it would've helped much).

"I'm telling you all, it's not THAT frío out there" Eduardo stated.

"Yeah no kidding, you've got all that purple fur keeping you warm. Speaking of which, mind if I borrow it-" Bloo said while grabbing for Eduardo's fur, while I held him back with my good arm, still shaking violently. Bloo seemed to notice my shaking. "Hey Wilt, you doing okay? You're shaking pretty hard" he said with the most sympathy I've heard from him in a while.

I replied with a noticeable stutter, "I-I-I'm ok-k-k-ay, jus-t-t-t-t reallly co-co-cold, I'm-I'm s-sorry" he took in the response for a second, and then immediately went back for reaching for Eduardo's fur.

Before Bloo managed to rip off some of Eduardo's fur, the speakers went off with Herriman's stern voice annunciating with precision: "dinner is served. Everyone come to the dinner room" "we'd-d prob-bb-ly go get d-di-di-nner i-if that's o-oka-y brrr" I stuttered, trying to warm up from the house heat.

"Yeah good idea, I'm starving!" He said as he scuttled off, but not before scuttling back and ripping off a large part of Eduardo's fur as he screamed, then proceeding to scuttle to the dinner room. Eduardo ran after Bloo so he could get his fur back.

I was going to go after him as well, but then I heard a doorbell ring right as I was starting to head over.

I decided it probably wouldn't take too long to answer whoever is there, since the door was very close to the dinner room. As I speed walked to the door, I  wondered who would even be here at this hour. House closed for people to come in to adopt at 7:35 exactly, not to mention how cold it was outside. As I reached the door and opened it, I saw that nobody was there. I looked down and saw a moderately sized package.

I picked up the package, looking for the recipient name and return address, but could only see a word scrawled in it messily with what looked like written in permanent marker. I focused my eye on the word, and could faintly make out "Wilt Micheals"

So the package was for me apparently, but a return address was nowhere to be found.

I was about to open the package when Mr.Herriman screamed from behind me, "Master Wilt, what in the world are you doing at the door???! We have been waiting for exactly 30 seconds for you to come to the table, 30 seconds too LONG."

Which scared the heck out of me, making me jump. I tried explaining to him that there was a package for me at the door and was planning on asking him if he knew who sent it, but I could only really stutter to the point you couldn't tell what I was saying.

"What are you stuttering about Master Wilt??!" He screamed again at me. At this point the house heat had warmed me up enough that I wasn't shaking as violently as before, so I pointed to the package with my bad hand, while tilting the box to show the fact my name was on it with no return address.

The scarf: a FHFIF horror storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя