𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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all jaebeom wanted right now was to be curled up in a armchair reading a book.

but, unfortunately for him,  that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

he and youngjae were walking through the streets of seoul, a curtain of rain pattering down on the rooftops around them, umbrella sheltering them from the harsh taps of water. it was only late afternoon, but the sky was already a gloomy collection of greys, the soft blues it held just this morning nowhere to be seen.

jaebeom's mood matched the weather perfectly. despite the umbrella youngjae was holding above the two of them, he was soaking wet due to the slant of the rain and the amount of time the two of them had spent walking through the streets. they had missed their bus home, and the next would have taken over forty minutes to come. jaebeom had suggested they take their chances and walk instead, but by now he decided he thoroughly regretted that decision. at least he would have been able to stay under the cover of the bus stop.

now they're lost in a part of seoul jaebeom doesn't recognise in the slightest. how, he's not entirely sure. the rain had dampened his mood, quite literally, and he hadn't been looking where he was going, aimlessly following youngjae instead. it didn't seem like youngjae knew where he was going, either.

an image had formed in jaebeom's mind during the walk, one of a large, comfortable armchair, crackling fire heating the room and thick book opened in front of him. as an afterthought, he added a warm mug of cocoa on the coffee table beside him. that's where i want to be right now, he thought with a sigh of longing.

in this moment, a scene such as that felt like it could only be reached in another universe. jaebeom didn't know if the rain would ever stop.

"i looked up the directions back," youngjae said suddenly, startling jaebeom out of his thoughts. he glanced at the younger, whose cheeks were flushed from the cold wind and hair glued to his forehead from the rain.

youngjae held the screen of his phone in front of jaebeom's face, who had to squint against the sudden contrast of light. it reminded him of mornings, when he would wake up in his warm bed and open his phone, the light from it surprising him.

oh, how he wished he was in bed right now.

"forty minutes from here?" jaebeom asked, hoping he had read the number wrong. he couldn't imagine spending another forty minutes out in the cold, rainy weather.

"we could find a bus or train route," youngjae suggested meekly, but he didn't seem fond of the idea. it seemed too much effort and they would only need to wait longer. jaebeom suspected it would be at least another couple of hours before they got home.

they had stopped in the middle of the path by now, both staring at each other with exhausted eyes.

"why don't we find a café or shop and wait until the rain calms down a little?" youngjae spoke up again.

jaebeom rubbed his eyes to get rid of the water which was obscuring his view. he only seemed to make it worse.

"okay," he agreed, nodding. the idea didn't sound bad in the slightest. "where do you want to go?"

the two of them looked around the street at the shops, the names of the stores lit in neon colours due to the absence of natural light. most of them were restaurants, expensive and with fancy names. if they wanted to stop in one of those, they would have to find a table and order, and although hot food sounded mesmerisingly good right now, neither of them could afford the cost.

"here," youngjae said, taking jaebeom's hand in his own and pointing to a small shop tucked in between two larger restaurants.

jaebeom smiled for the first time since the rain had begun, over two hours ago. he could recognise a bookstore from a mile away.

although only a small shop and a good way away from them, jaebeom could see books on display in the windows and, behind them, a warm light which seemed to radiate off the store and give it a welcoming aura.

his perfect moment, curled up in an armchair by a fire with a good book in his hands, came back to him in a instant.

still holding hands, the two walked toward the store, jaebeom pushing the door open as youngjae let go of his hand to fold up the umbrella. the bell made a soft dinging noise as they stepped inside.

almost instantaneously as he walked in, jaebeom felt his whole body relax. the difference in temperature caused a shiver to run through his spine, but the feeling was welcome and almost immediately after he felt the warmth from the heating inside the store seep into him. jaebeom simply stood in the doorway for a moment as the door shut behind them, enjoying the feeling.

"hello," came a voice from nearby, behind the counter, from a boy about their age. jaebeom hardly cast him a glance nor listened, but managed a soft reply to be polite. youngjae did better, throwing the cashier a warm smile, but jaebeom didn't see it, already deep into the store.

the rain was only a far away trickle in here, hardly noticeable. jaebeom forgot about it completely as he roamed the shelves, running his fingers along the spines and enjoying the musty smell of pages and books. he choose one at random and found a chair in the corner to sit in, unlike his imagined armchair but still a seat, and sitting down. he crossed his right leg over the other, leaning back into the chair and opening his book up without checking the title.

time flew away from him as he got immersed in the story. jaebeom stayed in that shop for three more hours, long after the rain had stopped. youngjae had already left, trying to bring jaebeom with him but unable to coax the older out of the seat. jaebeom loved it here. jaebeom thought he could stay here forever.

"sir," said a soft voice, the voice of the boy who had first welcomed them into the store. it was mellow and sweet, honey and vanilla, vividly reminding jaebeom of his perfect vision of reading by a fire for no apparent reason. "i'm really sorry, but we have to close soon."

jaebeom looked up slowly, meeting his gaze and intending to reply.

but angel was the only word in korean, let alone any language, that seemed to come to his mind, so instead of answering he simply stared.

"um, sorry, we have to close soon..."

a small "oh" slipped out of jaebeom's mouth as he found his way out of his trance. he stood up quickly, brushing off his jeans and blushing under the boy's gaze.

muttering an embarrassed "sorry", jaebeom bowed before reluctantly leaving the store and into the night, the rain no longer pouring but the streets still slick with water and puddles.

jinyoung watched him until he heard the jingle of the bell above the door, before looking down and picking up the book jaebeom had left on the chair.

"no longer human," he read aloud, smiling to himself. it was one of his favourites.

jaebeom only remembered later that night, when he finally found his way home, that he forgot to buy the book he was halfway through reading in the bookstore. and, to top it all off, he forgot the title of it, too.

he knew the internet would tell him if he simply searched up the plot, but looking at his phone laying face down on his desk, he shook his head and decided he would find the bookshop again tomorrow.

if not to find the book again, he thought to himself, or for the warm aura the store provided, it's because i really want to see that boy again.

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