Happening - Ending

Comincia dall'inizio

Baekhyun spreads his legs ...

Chanyeol kisses the tights and licks leaving marks

"Hnnn... c..chanyeol.."

"Ha... you are so sexy" chanyeol says and .. put his dick in small boy's hole

"Ahhh.... c.. chanyeol... no.. it hurtsss.."

"Hah... baekhyun.. your are fucking good..."

"Ha...ahh.. chanyeol.. deeper..."

"My babe is pervert"

Chanyeol start thrusting in fast and hard

"Ha...Ha.... c.. I.. I am cumming.... c..Chan..."

"Fuck! Babe I'm coming ....."


They both.. cum and spurts everywhere

They both pant and  lie down.

"Babe.. I love you" chanyeol says and ruffles Baekhyun's hair

"..I love you too stupid.."

"Shall we shower together? Or .. want to take a nap?"

"We are too sweaty.. go shower first. I wanna lie down a bit"

"Okay.. then rest for a while" chanyeol kisses Baekhyun's forehead and go shower

Baekhyun's POV

"Heellooooo lovebirds!!!" Suho shouts and waving at us as we walks to the shore

We see Sehun and luhan plus mom and dad too

"Baekhyun ya.. how are you feeling? was I too rough on you?"

 how are you feeling? was I too rough on you?"

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"No.. chanyeol ya... I love it. I love everything about you"

"I love you" chanyeol says and hugs him

"Aigoo aigoo... please spare me too. Aunty and uncle are couple, Sehun and luhan ssi.. and these newlywed couple.. huhuuuu... why did you even bring me here?"Suho says

"You could just left behind" Chanyeol teases

"How cruel!" Suho says "this is nice chanyeol...and.. congratulations baekhyun ssi.. from the bottom of my heart"

"Thank you suho hyung"

"When is your wedding? We are waiting.. eagerlyyyy" chanyeol says

"I think you will see Sehun and luhan ssi wedding first" suho says and we both look at their direction

"I think so too" chanyeol says

And I could see his relief eyes looking at his cousin.

He must have carried a lot of burden on his shoulders.

Alpha's Candy (Chanbaek)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora