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REMINDER :Don't let vague fears hold you from doing what you want

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"Is everything alright with you Rhea? You realize you have caused disturbance and this is a working environment," Nicholas, my boss, asked his face not showing any hint of any emotion. I could not tell if he was mad or not.

"I'm sorry for the disturbance, it was not in my intentions to cause one. I just had client trouble and I must have reacted over range."  Of course he was going to try and lecture me for the next thirty minutes telling me how I should manage my anger issues and how this job needed patience because I was going to deal with more aggressive and arrogant personalities than Christian fucking Chase. He was also going to remind me of all the stuff he told me about this job when I was starting it and try to advise me on everything and nothing. Trust me you do not want to ever be in his office being lectured and at the same time having to listen to something like a motivational talk. You know when motivational speakers yap about everything and all you're thinking of is taking a nap or just munching on something? Let it be known I have nothing against motivational speakers.
That is how it was in Nicholas Cooper's office and maybe even worse. I tried hard to look like a keen listener when all I was thinking of was when to get back to my office and take a huge gulp of coffee.

"I promise it won't happen again Sir,"I stated heading to the door of Nicholas' office.

" And Rhea, "he called back," You still have a meeting to attend in CLF."

I knew that but to not be rude I quickly said a thank you back and closed the door behind me. Phew! I sighed under my breath.

Elizabeth gave me look that said I know how it goes in there. I just smiled warmly at her and headed straight to my office. What a relief to be back here. In case you're wondering I was at Nicholas' office for almost an hour and yes he said everything I thought he would say. You have no idea how it is like and I wouldn't advise you to want to know.

I still had many phone calls to make before leaving the office for CLF but I needed coffee first. I would be halfway with making this calls if I didn't have to deal with Mr.Arrogant because of him I had to listen to lectures which didn't interest for an hour and because of him I had to stay in the office till late so as to finish up on reviewing documentations and making the phone calls and I couldn't help Mr. Charles at the café later in the evening. Frigging Christian Chase.

The meeting at CLF was starting in 20 minutes time. Classic Legal Firm referred to as CLF was a company not far from Nexa Legals. It was a 5 minutes walk if you were a fast walker and ten minutes walk for me. I chose to walk than drive there. I enjoyed meetings which involved negotiations but today was different. I was yearning for it to end because my day was already exhausting.

Later in the evening after having passed by a food outlet and filled up my stomach which was perpetually complaining, calling Mr. Charles to let him know that I would not be able to work at the café today and my apologies, and stayed up in the office till late to finish on the incomplete work, I was now headed home. All I needed was a shower and a good sleep.

This chapter is a bit shorter because it's a continuation of the previous chapter. So nothing much really happens it. I did not want to make the previous chapter super long so I thought it was a better idea to make this part a chapter on its own.

What do you think of Rhea and coffee being best of pals? I think it's adorable. Haha! When she's anxious she takes coffee, when frustrated she goes for coffee.

Wait, what do you think of Nicholas, Rhea's boss?  He freakes me out with his lectures. Haha!

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