▪️Chapter 1▪️

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(Millies outfit is above)

Chapter 1:   (3rd person)

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Chapter 1:
(3rd person)

-New Orleans-

The Mikaelsons were sat at the dining table eating their dinner when Hope started to feel dizzy. She clutched her head in pain and hunched over. She could hear the screams of her family as everything around her went black.

She opened her eyes and found herself no longer in the dining room. It was now nighttime and she was at some sort of abandoned building. She heard voices and turned around to find 6 teenagers walking in through the gate.

Two of the boys ran off into the building and she heard a woman's voice "Kira turn around and go home". Hope then looked and the four teenagers again and saw that the three girls had weapons but, she didn't seem to care about that. Her eyes stayed on the short blonde girl who had a sword in her hand. You could see that she was determined just by looking in her eyes.

The two woman who looked like mother and daughter began to talk as Hope kept her gaze on the blonde. She was truly stunning. Everything about her was perfect from her long wavy blonde hair that seemed to shine in the moonlight, to the way that she stood.

Hope then saw the pale teenage boy from before approach, behind stood men that were in black from head to toe and wearing masks.
The men in black then pulled out their swords and the two groups began to fight.

Hope was stunned as she saw the boy that was with the girls face change. He looked like a werewolf but not like one she's ever seen. She watched closely as the fight continued, mostly paying attention to the blonde who had now dropped the sword and had shifted into the same type of werewolf as the boy. As Hope paid more attention to the girl she could sense powerful magic, Making her think that the blonde was also a witch.

She watched as a brown haired girl shot her arrows at the men in black and then she watched the girl who was fighting with her sword. Then she turned back to the boy to see that he was being beaten by two of the men in black. The brown haired girl shot another arrow at one of the men and his chest glowed yellow. Hope looked back at the girl just in time to see one of the men in black stab her straight through her stomach. Hope could only watch in horror.

Then she heard an ear piercing scream which forced her to cover her ears. In the scream she could make out a name. Allison. She then watched as one of the boys that had run off before the fight rushed to her catching her before she fell. Hope looked around around as she saw the blonde running towards the two screaming and crying as she dropped down to the girls side. Hope watched on as the girl died, having heard every word. By the end her eyes were red and she had tears running down her cheeks. And then everything went black.

Hopes POV:

I wake up to the sound of my mothers voice.

"Hope. Come on Hope, wake up. Wake up" she was saying. I groaned as I slowly sit up, before remembering what I saw before and then I laid back down. "Hope are you okay" my fathers panicked voice said. "I'm fine dad" I replied. "What happened Hope" Aunt Freya questioned.

"There were teenagers and they were fighting these people that were fully dressed in black and had masks on their face. There was a girl she had blonde hair and when I looked at her I felt weird, like we were somehow connected. She was a witch, a very powerful witch. Then one of the boys faces changed into what looked like a werewolf but, it was different; he had yellow eyes, and claws and then the blondes changed too except her eyes were red." Hope said quickly.

"And then I heard a scream and one of the men stabbed a brown haired girl through the stomach" By the time the tribrid had finished her family was looking at her with mixed expressions.

Some had wide eyes and shocked expressions whilst others held confused expressions on their faces. Her aunt Rebekah was the one that spoke up first, "You don't think it could be her, do you?" and then Davina spoke up "Me and Freya have been looking for her for years, we thought she was dead". I was confused, who were they talking about. Then my fathers face lit up whilst still holding his shocked expression, "She's alive?" He questioned Freya and Davina.

"There's only one way to find out. Hope you saw her so we just have to find the memory and then we can find her." Freya said hopefully. "Saw who?" I questioned, utterly confused. "The girl you said you felt a connection to, the blonde one", Davina answered.

"My baby's alive" Her mother said only confusing me more. "Why is she so important?" I wearily asked. Then my mother turned to look at me and said the one thing I never expected to hear "She's your sister." My mouth swung open from shock.

Millies POV:

I ran over to Allison with tears running down my face. She can't die, she's my best friend. "Allie" I screamed as I dropped down on the other side of her. "Did you find her? Is she okay? Is Lydia safe?" Allison asked Scott. "She's okay" Scott whispered. "I can't, I can't take your pain?" Scott questioned. "It's because it doesn't hurt" Allison replies. "No. No theres- theres got to be something. There has to be a spell" I sputtered out as I put my hands on her stomach. "No" Scott said.

Allison put her hand on mine "It's okay". "Allison" "Allie" me and Scott whispered at the same time. "Its okay" Allison said looking at Scott, she turned to me "It's okay". "It's okay. It's perfect" she said. I had tears running down my cheeks as I grasped onto her hand. "I'm in the arms of my first love" Scott smiles as she continued. "The first person I ever loved, the person I'll always love" and I smiled slightly as she said it. "I love you, Scott McCall" Scott and I shook our heads "don't, please, don't" Scott said. As I cried "Allie no".

She then turned to me smiling softly, "My best friend is sat right beside me, I remember when we first met. Me, you and Lydia." She sobbed as she continued "I love you both so much, tell her please. Tell her" I just nodded my head unable form any words. "You have to tell my dad," she said to us. "You have to tell my dad. Tell him-" she spilled out and it stopped. Her eyes shut, Her heart stopped beating, Allison was dead. And my heart stopped to. Her hand went limp in mine as her other one fell to the floor. I heard footsteps approaching but I didn't dare look away. Allison Argent was dead. "No- N-No, Allie no please. Don't leave please, don't go" I cried, practically screaming.

I turned away, unable to look anymore. I looked at everyone. First to Isaac and then to Kira. I turned and saw Argent and my heart broke all over again. And then I realised something, "Lydia" I said, my voice barely a whisper. I said it again, louder this time. "Lydia" I heard two heartbeats from inside, I turned and sprinted for the building, towards the heartbeats until I saw them. Lydia had tears running down her face and then she looked up and saw me. She jumped up, barrelling into me as we both cried. Mourning our best friend.

Word count: 1324.
Published: 07/08/2020

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