Him, the one I loved.

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My heart was picking up pace as my music was playing. The beat of the song was defeating, causing me to not hear my breath. This was my routine, every morning a 30 minute run. I turned left on the usual street and made my way to the main road. Passing the field, that field, the one where all my good, happy memories were. I shook it off. He’s not here anymore.


The hair that was pulled back, went back and forth as I picked up speed. I passed the normal dog walkers and other joggers, and then I saw his face. My breath caught but when I realized it wasn’t him, it never will be him I started pushing harder. I just can’t look at anything without thinking of him, so I looked down. Wrong time to look down, I ran straight into somebody. I was pushed back and fell straight on my ass; “Ouch!” was all I could say. I kept my head down trying to maintain composure, but I honestly couldn’t get up. I tried again to get up and a shooting pain went off in my butt. Jesus Christ.


Then I saw a hand, a strong, firm, inviting hand. I took it and was on my feet in mere seconds.  I stretched and started feeling better I then looked up and I was in awe. He was….. hot. Then I looked in his eyes. He had his eyes, his exact eyes.  My brows furrowed and I started to run again putting my headphones in again, not saying a word to the mysterious new guy. Then I saw someone next to me, I ran faster to show I wanted to be alone, he didn’t get the hint and he ran faster. I pushed harder, he pushed harder. I started running full speed, he kept up. I continued running full speed all the way home and he stayed with me.


I had no reason to look at his face again, I knew who was next to me, it was the guy I bumped in to. A word was never exchanged and we just were exercising.  I reached my door step and he was still next to me. I turned to him he ran all the way here might as well  find out what he want., “What?” was all I said. I couldn’t look at him, those eyes, those blue eyes with specks of green and blue, those beautiful eyes.


“Oh, she talks.”  he said in a sarcastic tone. That voice, that’s his voice! Why am I being taunted? Why can’t God just let me at least attempt to get over him.  I rolled my eyes and started walking inside. What a jerk, followed me all the way home, and that’s what he says. “Wait!” I turned around to face who was addressing me. “What’s your name?” said the guy.


“Elle.” I turned and walked inside. Whoever he was, I didn’t care. He reminded me of him, his eyes and his voice and it just hurt too much. I couldn’t take it.


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