Chapter 21: A Cute Little Blonde Version Of Satan

Start from the beginning

"You okay there lover boy?" I joked, watching his stare linger.

"Lover boy?" he scoffed. "I beg to differ. A certain specimen that just walked out of here has that title taken."

I chuckled, and then he winked at me before exiting the room himself.

I got up and went over to the bathroom, leaning on the door post while I watched Renée wipe her face clean.

"Fucking Liam," she muttered.

"Isn't that what you've been up to?" I joked.

She scowled at me. "I am not afraid to crack this mirror with your skull."

I let out a loud genuine laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"You," I replied. "Look, Renée, why don't you just admit you like the guy as much as he likes you and cut the bullshit with this tough girl front you're using to hide what you're really feeling?"

"Have you?" she asked. "Have you put down your front?"

I sighed. "Renée..."

"Are we just going to pretend that I didn't find you almost dead on the floor last night?" she asked.

"I relapsed," I said. "That's all it was, a relapse. I want to get clean."

She nodded. "Good. And talk to Khalan. She's hurt too, and this is way too many feelings for my heart of stone to deal with."

I chuckled, and then proceeded to freshen up and get changed like Liam asked me to.

When I was done I went downstairs, desperate to get something to eat. My stomach was was turning, and it wasn't because I was hungry. It was because I didn't want to face her just yet.

I said some pretty harsh things.

To my relief, only Jessica and Austin were there.

"Keep it PG okay?" I joked lightheartedly when I walked in on them kissing.

They pulled away and Austin rolled his eyes while Jess just chuckled.

"How are you?" she asked while I poured myself some orange juice. "We heard...about last night."

I froze, my back facing them.

You're not a disappointment.

You're not a disappointment.

You're not a disappointment.

I turned, forcing a smile. "I'm fine."

"Shayley you know we're always going to be there for you...right?" Austin said.

I nodded. "I know."

Jacob walked in, and I sipped my juice, tensing when he stood beside me.

Jess' eyes flickered from him to me and she smirked. "Please, guys, we all know what the deal is between you two. Don't be shy, really."

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