chapter 9: FUCK Language!

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Taka and Mondo were talking to the dining hall for their morning meeting.

their friends had just been killed... how could anyone forgive this?
that's what Taka was thinking.
this thoughts were racing, like racecars on a track.
Taka glanced over at Mondo. Mondo was falling behind, but that was usual. Taka noticed his hair was down for once.
"hey Mond-"
"what." Mondo glared at him.

Taka shrunk back slightly, and spoke quietly. "s-sorry.."
Mondo sighed "no, I'm sorry. what were you saying?" he smiled.
"..i-i was going to ask about your hair.." he pointed to it.
"oh, I just didn't feel like putting it up." he smiled

when they arrived at the dining hall, they looked around. who was missing this time?
Sayaka. the real Sayaka.
had she been killed? had she been sleeping?
"w-where's Sayaka?" Taka asked nervously.
Celeste giggled, and pointed to a closet. "they're in there."
they're? whos them?
Taka went over and opened the closet, revealing Leon and Sayaka falling out.
"wha--" Leon glanced around
Sayaka was just sitting there, smiling awkwardly.
Taka gasped "what were you two doing?!" he was angy >:c
Sayaka giggled. "we were-"
Taka nodded. "alright!" he went to sit down with Mondo

"you know, Taka, they were probably fucking-"
he interrupted. "LANGUAGE, MONDO!" Mondo rolled his eyes.
"FUCK Language!" he smiled
Makoto smiled. "y-yeah, FUCK LANGUAGE!"
Sayaka just copied what Leon was doing. "f-FUCK LANGUAGE!!"
Hifumi smiled "LANGUAGE GET F U C K E D!"
Celeste giggled more "fuck language."
Byakuya and Kyoko said in unison "FUCK LANGUAGE!!"
they glanced at each other. "STOP COPYING ME! NO, YOU STOP!!"
Sakura sighed. "you guys are so immature.."
Taka smiled at her "are you following the ru-"
"but FUCK LANGUAGE!!" Sakura broke a table.

they were all now rioting about fucking language.

f u c k I n g   l a n g u a g e .

hey!! its me!!
so uh.. yeah, I'm going by Emi now!
i hope you enjoy this chapter, I had limited time to write it so I wrote kinda a crackhead chapter.
see ya soon!
~ Emi 

~*It's Not Like That, Okay?!*~ (Mondo Owada X Kiyotaka Ishimaru)Where stories live. Discover now