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"Beni" her tongue trailed up my neck, her lids half-open as she locks eyes with me. Sucking and pulling lightly on the now redden skin. The soft noises that escaped her fueled the already burning desire I had for her. Her fingers entwined with my black locks as she pulled my face down to hers crashing our lips together. I frantically removed the unwanted clothing that hid her body from mine.

I ached to be inside her.

"Benimaru" another voice called out to me

"Benimaru"  Konro shook my body wake

'Shit...another dream' i rubbed my eyes,
"Get ready we leave in 5..." he squinted his eyes at me "what?" I raised a brow "you were whispering someone's name, who's the lucky girl?"

"Mind your business" I rolled back over "who is she?" He pestered "fuck off Konro"
"Don't be like that Benimaru, you never show interest in girls I was beginning to think-"
"Get out!" I threw the pillow at his face

"Fine haha" he threw it back, shutting the door behind him.

I stared at the ceiling, I wasn't sure what it was about (YN) but she was different and didn't actually throw herself at me. In fact she didn't show the slightest bit of interest in me...we spoke whenever I went to fire force company 8 but nothing more

I wanted something more

But how?

After getting ready i met with Konro and headed to fire force 8

Walking in I was greeted by Shinra and the crew they all lined up however I noticed an empty spot next to Iris '(YN) missing?'
"You look worried Benimaru?" Captain Obi faced me as we walked behind him "I'm not-"
"Let's go let's go!" Shinra grabbed me by the arm dragging me along to the rooftop.

As I helped train Shinra my mind wondered
Was (YN) alright?
Why isn't she here?
No one seemed to care that she wasn't here

The more my brain wondered the more disconnected I became with what was happening around me.
A fiery blow to my ribs knocked me out of my thoughts Shinra had just landed a hit, my body hit the cold concrete and it hurt like hell.

"Get up! Benimaru focus!" Konro yelled from the sIdelines
Dusting myself off I took my stance one again I can't afford to be distracted well that was until (YN) walked into view thus allowing Shinra to hit me dead in the face.

"That's got to hurt!"
"Ooo shit!"

I landed on my back and decided to lay there in defeat.
"Maybe we should postpone training until tomorrow?" Shinra scratched the back of his head extending his arm out. I took It "sure" knowing he was probably right.
Everyone walked back inside. In the corner of my eye I could see (YN) talking with Iris she was smiling and laughing I couldn't help but smile too. Our eyes  caught each other's, I quickly looked away not wanting to seem creepy.

"Hey" a small hand held onto my arm "come with me" (YN) whispered pulling me along, I willingly followed behind her. We separated from the rest ending up in a different room "lay down" she pointed to the bed underneath the window.

She rummaged threw some draws in her vanity. (YN) was a sister along with Iris, some of her uniforms hung on the walls.
I glanced back over to (YN) she held a few items in her hand as she walked over. Her hair sat neatly over shoulders, the light from the window highlighted the different hues in her eyes, she always wore a soft smile, her plump lips drew me in. How I wanted to lean in and kiss them..."what?" She knelt by the bed "huh?" I answered "why are you staring at me like that?" She rolled her sleeves up "Ohh um-"

She let out an airy laugh "Beni, I can never figure you out" there it was 'Beni' I wasn't sure why but I liked the way she says it. At this moment I realized we were actually alone together in her room.
"I'm going to put this cream on your bruises" her hand reached for my shirt but I took it clean off "oh..you didn't have to do that"
Why did I do that?
Now it was awkward

She rubbed the cold cream over my skin I could see her occasionally glancing over my body.
"Stay still" she placed a piece of bandage over the area her hand found its way to my stomach. "Now your face" she ran said hand over my chest 'is she feeling me up?'

The sensation of her fingers running along my bare skin had unwanted side effects...even her touch drove me crazy. The clothing around my waist was becoming restricting I had to get out of this before it became noticeable. "Ah..actually you don't have too" I held her arm away from my face sitting up "of course I do! Lay back down Beni" she pushed against my chest but I didn't budge "Beni" she spoke in a more serious tone "honestly I'm fine (YN)"

"Just let me put the cream on" she forced me back down mounting me. "It'll take 5 seconds" this wasn't exactly the scenario I pictured for this to happen.  I instinctively held her by the hips, she didn't seem fazed by it "there we go" she leaned in rubbing the cream on the side of my face. Her eyes focused on that spot. I couldn't help but hold on to her... she really was beautiful.

Her silky strands fell forward I slipped them behind her ear, her irises focused on me now, she was so close, the back of my index brushed against her cheek.

This was a fucking stupid idea but-

I decided to close that gap between us

"Benimaru" she pulled away right before our lips touched
She faced away from me "the bathrooms down the hall you might want to...take care of yourself there" she got off me

I silently got up making sure to hide my obvious erection.


Beni closed the door behind him you fell back on your bed. It felt like your heart was about to burst out of your chest. "He just tried to kiss me?" you tapped your lips gently "(YN)- Chan~" your door opened again it was Iris "(YN) your face is soo red!" She squeezed your cheeks.
You then remembered that Beni was really turned on by you. "Oi! (YN)!" Iris shook your now limp body
"(YN)! Wake up!"

A/N: heyyy~ had to make another fanfic since season 2 is out. Hope you guys like this one :)

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