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Standing in front of an empty chair across from me was a man. Dressed in all white. With specs of berry pinks and dark red eye shadow that covered his eyes and cheekbones. His strawberry-blonde was left down in curls, with small strands of it littered with small sparkles of red. He looked tired and nervous at the same time, which wasn't helping my own nerves. I would have preferred he plaster the fakest smile he could muster.

"Over here, please." He instructs.

In his hands he had a brush in his right hand. In his left was a small palette of eye shadow. Shooting me a weak smile, he points to the chair in front of him for me to sit. Sitting down on the velvet chair, I held my head up high as the make-up artist started to paint my face. First he added dapples of concealer to hide what I was assuming were the bags under my eyes. Trying to mask the restless nights I've had.

Gripping at the silk skirt I was wearing, I shut my eyes as he started to apply a variety of shades of brown and bronzes to my face, in hopes of making me look more lively and less sick. Chewing on my bottom lip, I forced myself to relax. If I were to give any signs of my discomfort, everyone would pick up on it. And the last thing I needed was for Snow to use it against me.

"I'm so sorry." He whispers to me, making me open my eyes.

"You didn't do anything." I whisper back, muttering it under my breath.

Hearing a throat clear behind me, I looked over the make-up artist's shoulder, only to find Cesar standing there. His hair was now a bleach blonde⎯no longer a vibrant purple. He was also dressed in all white. A pair of pear earrings and pearl rings decorated him. He looked posh. Clean. Well fed. Not a single spec of imperfection in sight.

"Hello Miss.Grey, it's been a long time." Cesar said, his eyes watering up slightly.

"Oh, don't get teary eyed with me Cesar." I said, weakly smiling at him.

"Oh, I know, but it's good to see you alive and breathing." He said, sitting in the chair directly across from me.

Looking down in his hand, he flipped through a couple of cards, inspecting whatever was written on them in interest. Looking back at me, I could see his eyes widen as the make-up artist added a power onto, what I believed was my already protruding cheekbones. I hadn't been given a mirror, or anything remotely reflective since my shower twenty minutes ago. So I had no idea what I truly looked like at the moment.

"Read what the monitor says and do as it says. Now starting.." A peacekeeper says, as the monitor turns on to reveal words.

Looking at the monitor, words started to appear on the screen; 'Three..Two....One....Action....'  Stiffing up in my seat, I roll my shoulders back and make eye contact with Cesar. Before glancing back at the monitor. The screen was blank, but it still had a loading screen and showed that it was online.

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