takes place on their hawaii trip from 2019
lavender sadly doesn't exist in this
"shh baby, go to sleep," corbyn hushed, bouncing the four month old up and down in his arms. the baby boy only continued to cry harder, loud wails being sent throughout the bedroom. "please, your going to wake everybody up."
four months ago corbyn became the father to angel matthew besson. the mother happened to be a random hookup that corbyn had while at a party in la. she went through with having the baby, but once he was born she decided she couldn't be a mom and left corbyn to deal with him. it'd been rough on the twenty year old considering he was constantly touring and would either have to take the baby with him or leave him with saskia, ashley, and jordan.
"corbyn?" daniel asked appearing in the doorway of the blond's room.
he turned around to face daniel, eyes locking with the younger's ocean blue orbs. daniel could see how tired corbyn was with just a glance at the older's face. "shit, i'm sorry daniel. did he wake you up?"
"no, no, me and corey were just watching a movie in our room. i came to see if you needed help," he explained walking closer to the crib.
"you don't have to help," corbyn sighed, "he's my baby, he's my responsibility."
daniel shook his head, taking angel into his own arms and letting the small boy rest his chin on his shoulder. "but your exhausted and i hate seeing you upset," daniel said softly, "let's go sit by the pool with him. maybe he just needs some fresh air."
the two walked down to the backyard, angel still sobbing on to daniel's shoulder. corbyn felt so incredibly guilty laying all the work he should be doing on daniel.
as soon as they walked outside, they were greeted by the millions of bright stars painting the night sky. corbyn almost let out a breath of relief seeing them. whenever he was stressed or sad or just needed a break from reality, he looked at the stars. "let's see if he's like his dad," daniel smiled, repositioning the baby in his arms so the little one could see the sky. the second angel's big green eyes adjusted to the shimmering sky he stopped his crying. he just stared upwards, softly smiling. "see just like his daddy," daniel chuckled.
the two sat down at the pool edge, angel still in daniel's lap. every so often he made small noises and moved his little legs around. daniel softly caressed the side of the little one's face, feeling the soft skin glide across his much larger hand.
"thank you," corbyn mumbled.
"for what?"
corbyn playfully rolled his eyes at the younger's stupidity, "for always helping me with him. you act like your his second father."
daniel's face tinted red as he smiled, "i feel like he's my son. i always have the urge to protect him and to take care of him," he said taking a deep breath. he then looked at corbyn, "you know who else makes me feel like i need to protect them?"
corbyn yawned, leaning on to daniels shoulder, "who?"
corbyn felt his heart flutter hearing those words come from daniel. he didn't know how to respond so he just hummed, lips brushing passed daniels's shoulder as he placed a small kiss against it.
"i love you so much corb. i know you might not realize it because you've been so stressed out with ang, but everyone here just wants to help you. you don't have to push us away. your twenty years old and trying to raise a child on your own, it's okay to need help," daniel passed angel off to corbyn before wrapping his arm around the older blond and letting him sink into his side.
"i love you too daniel. so so much," he breathed. daniel placed a kiss in the mess of blonde hair at the top of corbyn's head. "you know zach tried to help me calm him down a few nights ago, but he ended up spilling the milk all over him and the crib," corbyn chuckled.
"i'd like to act surprised, but i really can't," daniel laughed.
corbyn smiled before pulling away from daniel and standing up. he gently cradled angel in his arms, placing a light kiss against the pale skin of his forehead. "i'm going to put him back to sleep if you want to come back inside."
corbyn arrived back to his bedroom where he placed angel on to his bed which was massive in comparison to the small baby. angel was little. he was a stick just like corbyn, but unlike his father he also lacked in height. when he was born he only weighed about four and half pounds. now a couple months into his life he weighed around twleve pounds so he was a midget.
daniel sat on the bed behind the baby as he watched corbyn dig through angels crib. the blond pulled out a small sized blanket that was pastel blue. "hey i got him that," daniel said proudly.
corbyn nodded before walking back over to the bed and kneeling at the end angel was placed at. "hey buddy you got to stop moving," he laughed, gently tickling the baby's tummy as the hyper baby moved his little limbs around. daniel lightly held his small shoulders down causing angel to whip his head over at daniel's hand. he attempted to gnaw at daniels thumb with his tiny teeth that were making their way in.
"hey, that's my hand!" daniel exclaimed.
corbyn just smiled as he moved the blanket under angel who was beginning to wear out from all of his playing. "you ready for bed now pumpkin?"
daniel mentally coo'd at how adorable corbyn was with angel. he was so sweet and gentle with the baby and loved him like there was no tomorrow. it was already seven months into the mother's pregnancy when she finally told corbyn about the baby. he had to rush around preparing for the arrival of angel, but that didn't change anything. he was going to love this baby for the rest of his life.
"can you teach me how to do that?" daniel asked referring to the way corbyn was swaddling up angel in the soft blue blanket.
"yeah it's easy," corbyn said. he went step by step, directing the younger on where to place the baby, where to fold up the blanket, and how the final product should look. "he's almost at the age where he can stop being swaddled, but for now he sleeps good at night all wrapped up," he explained.
corbyn picked his baby back up, tucking him comfortably in his arms as he gently rocked the little one. eventually his green orbs could no longer be seen as his eye lids had taken over, shutting closed. "goodnight my sweet boy," corbyn placed one last kiss on his forehead before carefully placing him back in his crib. corbyn felt a sudden presence behind him as he placed his hands on the rails of the crib. daniel placing his chin on corbyn's shoulder, slightly crouching to wrap his arms around corbyn's torso.
"you are doing perfect, you know that?" he whispered. corbyn shuttered at the feeing of daniel's warm breaths against his neck. a lightly blush formed across his slightly tanned face, "how bout me and you go to dinner tomorrow night? just us two."
"so like a date?" corbyn asked.
"like a date," daniel repeated. he brought his lips up to corbyn's cheek giving him a dozen kisses along the side of it. corbyn giggled moving his hands to rest on top of daniel's which were wrapped around his stomach.
corbyn nodded, "alright. just as long as somebody will take care of an-
"oh corbyn, between the boys, corey, and gabbie, i'm sure they'd love to watch him. especially gabbie, she's been glued to him this whole vacation."
"then a date it is," he smiled. daniel turned the older's body around to face his as he brought him into a tight embrace. "i could get used to this," corbyn hummed into daniel's shoulder.
"me too baby, me too."
hope you enjoyed and i hope this was decent enough ☁️