lev catchup 😻😼

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how y'all met🤠:
so basically, you were in the hall rushing to class and you bumped into his long legs and he noticed and he got WORRIED he thought he gave you a concussion when you really just hurt ur ribs, you told him you were okay and left to class. you have a thing for tall guys tho😼😼

y'all become friends👁👄👁:
so you were rushing to class AGAIN and you bumped into him AGAIN and he held you back to ask for ur name and he asked to be your friend, you were trying to get to class but you got distracted by his eyes and lev was confused but he caught on, so you left and you had a crush on him
( this is bad i'm so sorry)

he asks yu out😳:

i forgot when i used promposals but yeah• so you were coming back home from schooland you were ready to just relax and lay in bed• you get out ur key and jiggle it in the lock until the door finally opens• you open ur door and go inside • you take...

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i forgot when i used promposals but yeah
• so you were coming back home from school
and you were ready to just relax and lay in bed
• you get out ur key and jiggle it in the lock until the door finally opens
• you open ur door and go inside
• you take off ur shoes, not even aware of what's in front of you rn
• you put ur backpack on the ground and turn around and you saw it
• you were wondering who did it until lev popped up behind you and told you he's liked you ever since you first bumped into him
• you ended up saying yes :D

first date fits:D:

first date fits:D:you:

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when you steal his clothes🥺🥺🥺🥺:• sis this is a whole DRESS on you• trying on new dresses 😻😻• you come out with his shirt to ur ANKLES• and he just laughs at you but he thinks it's cute so he hugs you a lot in it

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when you steal his clothes🥺🥺🥺🥺:
• sis this is a whole DRESS on you
• trying on new dresses 😻😻
• you come out with his shirt to ur ANKLES
• and he just laughs at you but he thinks it's cute so he hugs you a lot in it

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