"If we can't defeat pharm with what we have, then let his brothers do that for us, rome and In was his most precious brothers and I know that he will never hurt them, so why don't we used that in our advantage", apollyon exclaimed as he signaled his servants to tightly holds the two princes mouth open.

"Let go of us!!!!", rome and In said in unison. Rome and In keeps thrashing, their eyes are shifting from green and purple due to fear.

"Rome try harder, try to excape!!!!", gun yelled to his human.

"He will use the two of you to hurt pharm and fluke!!!", earth added, rome and In tried to untangles the hands that was holding them but its really futile, the two princes tears streams down to their cheeks, as apollyon was starting to approach them. Rome and In manged to turned to their wolf form, two white wolves starts to run to the door, when a dark circles appears below them, stopping them from moving, they turned back to their human form.

"Its futile to escape now my princes, I'm already won, hold them!!!!", apollyon commanded as his minion holds rome and In mouth tightly to open them.

"Good night for now princes!", apollyon said with a grinned as the two ball of black mist enters the princes mouth, the two keeps thrashing, after some minutes the two princes stay stilled, not moving with their heads lowered, black mist starts to devours the two princes hearts and mind, giving apollyon an access to control them.

"Wake up now my new toys!!!!", apollyon announced as the two bodies in front of him lifted their heads, the once bright and lively eyes of rome and In are now blank, the two stood up and bowed to apollyon.

"Greetings our lord", rome and In muttered in unison, apollyon starts to laugh as the two princes greets him.

"Hahaahhaha, now the war will start, you can't do anything from now on diana, just watch as your children kill each other, hahahaha", apollyon screamed in glee.


My eyes widens to what the stranger announced to us, he said that he's my brothers wolf, I was about to ask another question but p'pick suddenly dashed to third and kissed him across the lips.

"I can sensed rome and guns presence to you, and my wolf told me that you're our mate, we missed you so much!!!!", I starred at p'pick while he spoke those words, I can clearly see the happiness on his eyes, I smiled to what I'm seeing right now.

"He's really a part of rome and gun, I can sensed them to him, he's third the seer incantation, but why he's here?", fluke exclaimed in my mind that makes me stunned, yes that's right if he was just the wolf side of rome, and rome already died so why is he here.

"Rome died already, so why are you still here third?", I asked while still looking at third, pick and third seperates from each other and both look at me.

"Pharm, is that really important to know that, third was alive thats more important right now, I still have my mate", p'pick replied to me but I shake my head in disagreement, my eyes shifted and gazed straight to third.

"P'pick, third was just romes wolf and he will never survived in this world without his human, he was one of moon goddess dianas sons, if he can live here then why do she still need me and my brothers to be their host", I informed them.

"That's right, pharm had a point can you tell us what's really the meaning of this?", p'can also added as we all look at third with a confused look.

"Pharm, enough he's really my mates wolf and off mate, I'm sure of it, don't give him that look, don't accused him", p'pick defended his mate, I know that he's also confused to this but he decided to ignored those suspicion due to his longing to his mate. Third suddenly smiled to me and holds p'picks arms.

"P'pick enough, pharm was right", third muttered with a smile on his face, after that he shifted his gaze to me.

"Pharm, can I talk to my p'fluke?", third said to me and I nodded, I closed my eyes and call for fluke.


When pharm opens his eyes it turns into bright blue, the color of flukes eyes, third smiled to his brother as he run straight to flukes arms, third hugs his older brother with tears streaming on his eyes.

"I missed you so much p'fluke!!!", third cried on flukes chest, fluke wipe his tears and starts to carress thirds hair lovingly.

"I'm glad that I used to know you now, you and gun really had the same characteristics, I'm glad that I managed to meet and hold you little brother, I missed you", fluke announced to third, while the whole fields grasses starts to dance in happiness.

"What's really happening here third?", pick asked once again to his mate, third lifted his head and look straight to pick.

"When rome decided to save In that day, he cast an incantation to seperate me from his body, thats why he and gun died that day, while I'm transported to the moon kingdom palace, I lived in that place for a year until alpha sarawat and luna tine found me, I'm sorry if I didn't look for all of you, its because I can't stepped out in this packs border", third informed the group.

"Rome can do that, then why didn't he do that to In and earth?", korn asked.

"P'in only had p'earth thats the main reason, while rome have me and gun as his wolves, gun and I are the same, I was him and he was me, rome just managed to seperate my spirit from them to atleast save me from death", third exclaimed in sadness as the tears starts to falls from his eyes.

"Then you're the last gem, thats it we can go back now to our packs, our mission ends here!!!!", ae muttered in happiness and excitement.

"Yeah you're right, we don't need to go to the waanjai pack this time, come lets go home", pete added as he starts to walks to their car, the others also followed him, but to their suprised third remains standing. Pharm eyed third with a pair of confused eyes.

"What's the matter third?", pharm asked.

"The truth is I can't leave this place pharm, there's always some barrier that stopping me from leaving this pack, the moon kingdom and the waanjai pack becames my home, and they're not letting me go", third muttered in sadness that shocks the group.

"What do you mean?", tin questioned.

"To make it short, I will dissapear if I stepped outside the packs territory, I'm just a spirit, an illusion, cause my body already died two years ago, I'm not different from the other two gems fakes forms, I just had my own will, memories and feelings, I will never survived in this world without my rome and gun, I'm sorry", third cried in pain. Pharm and the other just looking at him with shock.

"So I still don't have my mate beside me?", pick muttered in dissappointment, third nodded to him.

"I'm sorry p'pick, I'm really sorry", they all starred at third as he cries his heart out, pharm was about to approached him when a circle appears and glows below third.

"Wind of heaven hide me from the pain and sorrow, surrounds me with your grace and send me at my safe haven........lacus (transport)", third muttered and after that he vanished into thin air.



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