#7(aged up au)

184 3 60


"Y/n please can we have sex ?",(crush) asked as her/his lip quivers. "Honey not now...I have to finish this",you mutter.


You've been married to (Crush) for a few years and you've been talking about having kids.


"Y-y/n uhh do you have a boyfriend or are you married ?",(crush) asked you awkwardly. "I had one but we separated a few years back",you laugh.


"Hey y/n what's another word for dad ?",(friend) asks. "Daddy",you tell them as your cheeks turn red.


"We finally got alone time",you pin (Crush) to the bed smirking. "Honey we just put (child's name) to bed...if we're to loud we'll wake them up",(crush) told you


Make it up

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