🕷NATASHA ROMANOFF- Enemies to Lovers

Start from the beginning

NATASHA: This is my place newbeen, go find another spot.

I mumble some apology and go sit near Bruce who places a hand on my shoulder in a reassuring manner.

BRUCE: Don't worry, shell warm up to you.

I smile at his words even if deep inside I know it will never happen.


It's been a month since the day I arrived at the tower, and I have to say that I settle down pretty well. Time passing I got closer with everyone, me and Wanda are inseparable now and for what concern Natasha she still hates me.
Yep, she spends every day making smart-ass comments about me, insulting me and during training she offers to spar with me just to remember me how weak I am and beat me till I cant stand. At first I thought it was normal, I was new and she didn't know me, I believed she just wanted to defend her family. But day passing by I realized that she wasn't defending anyone, she just hate me and have fun seeing me suffer.
After another day spent being insulted and beaten by Natasha I realized that I was tired of all this shit. As soon as I'm done with the training I run to my room without caring about Wanda running after me and close the door. All the bad things said by the widow come to my mind "you're weak" "do you really think you're worth working here with us?" "you're no one". Without realizing it I start crying and sob, I'm tired of being pushed down, I wanna go back to my old life with my old friends that respect me not beat me. I take a decision,I'm going away. I take the suitcase and start throwing my things into it while thinking of an escape plan.

By dinner time all my things were packed and I had come out with a good plan, I'll escape tonight while everyone is sleeping leaving behind a note to explain myself.

In order to not arouse suspicion I decide to go to dinner where I'm greeted by an angry and worried Wanda.

WANDA: Look who decided to show up! I was worried, you practically runned out of the gym in tears. What happened (y/n/n)?

(Y/N): The usual Wanda. I'm tired of her treating me like shit. Plus the fact that I have a major crush on her doesn't help.

WANDA: Wait, you have a crush on the girl that wants you death?!

(Y/N): For God sake Wanda don't shout!

WANDA: Sorry.

(Y/N): I've always had a crush on her and at first I believed that she could love me back, but I was a fool for believing that.

WANDA: I'm so sorry (y/n/n).

She hugged me for a while making me feel safe and loved and then we walk to the table and start eating with the other.
The only noise that fills the room right now is the chewing of food, that's so awkward usually during the meal everyone chat and laugh, but today everyone is quiet and busy sharing worried looks.

(Y/N): Is everything ok?

NATASHA: Sure thing love.

I spit the water into the plate.

(Y/N): Sorry, what?

NATASHA: Are you ok (y/n/n/)?- she stand up and walk to me cupping my face with one of her hands- you seem a little bit pale princess.

I feel my face heat up at the nickname and I start to shutter.

(Y/N): No, youre perfect, I I mean I'm perfectly fine.

NATASHA: Did you all hear her? What did you say about me?

She squished my face more.

(Y/N): No-nothing...

NATASHA: That's better you whore. Don't you dare to hope that I can fall in love with a dumb bitch like you!

I start to tear up, those words hurt me, but she is right, how could I believe that a Goddess like her could love a nobody like me.

NATASHA: Cry baby.

WANDA: Natasha enough! You did your job, you broke her, now let her be!

As soon as Natasha left my face I ran in my bedroom and started crying, hoping that the night will come soon.


It's 1a.m. and Im walking down the hall of the tower with my suitcase trying not to make a sound and hoping that Jarvis doesn't notify anyone that I'm escaping. I almost made it to the door when I heard the last person I wanted to hear call my name.

NATASHA: Where are you going?

I take a deep breath and turn around to face her for the last time.

(Y/N): Away. But why do you care Natasha, isn't that what you always wanted?

NATASHA: Wow, easy there (y/n). I never wanted you to leave.

(Y/N): Really Natasha? Then why you insulted me and beaten me every fucking day? Admit it you hate me and you enjoy yourself seeing me suffer!

NATASHA: (y/n) I'm

(Y/N): Dont (y/n) me! You broke me Natasha and right now I want you to let me go so the both of us can be happy.

Natasha looked at me shocked so I took this chance to walk away drying my tears with the sleeve of my hoody. I was almost out of the door when Natasha pulled me by my arm and crushed her lips on mine. I froze.

NATASHA: Now is my time to talk. I didn't mean to hurt you (y/n), never. Is just that the day you walked in this tower I fell in love with you cause you were different from everyone else, and when I realized how I felt about you I got scared and I tried to push you away cause I didn't want to hurt you. But I end up hurting you more.

I'm standing in front of Natasha speechless. Part of me wants to believe me and let her love me, but the other part tells me to walk away without looking back.

(Y/N): How do I know you won't hurt me again?

NATASHA: You don't know. You have to trust me and if you do I promise I'll treat you like you deserve and love you with all my body and soul.

I look at her teary eyes, my heart melts and a smile grows on my lips.

(Y/N): You have a chance Romanoff. But if you hurt me you're dead, got it?

NATASHA: Yes ma'am.

Natasha Romanoff and Scarlett Johansson ImaginaWhere stories live. Discover now