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Chapter 15: Mask
Staring down at Rantaro's sleeping form, I felt a strong wave of guilt surpass me. If only I had followed Shuichi, if only I hadn't let Kaede run off like that. Then he wouldn't have gotten all of these wounds, especially the ones that came from Kokichi. I tried to get him to come with me but he said that Rantaro was nothing to him.

"Mahiru.." He started off, "You saw what happened to Rantaro, dare go against me and you'll end up like him." Kokichi's violet eyes pierced through me, I nodded at him with the memory of Shuichi escaping. "Your a close friend of mine, but Rantaro has proven that even those you trust the most always have the chance hurt you." 

"And he took that chance."

Stroking his head, I heard one of the guards warning me to be careful with his head. "Kokichi already harmed his head enough, he was close to getting a brain injury." I nodded at the guard with tears ready to fall. There were bullet holes all over his body, they all came from Kaede. If only I had noticed how much hatred she felt for the boy. As much as I would like to blame her, I knew that this was his fault. Rantaro fucked Kokichi's boyfriend or whatever, he tortured Kaede and stalked Shuichi. Actually, that was Kokichi's idea for him to stalk the detective. Either way, Rantaro still fucked with the wrong people. Guess that gives me more of a reason to watch out for him.

Maki analysed the scene from the skyscraper she was standing on. Cops were walking around the building to search for the girl, but Maki wasn't going to let them. The skyscraper was rather hard to get on considering that it was more than 140m, somehow the female posed as one of the cops  again and reached the top of the building. Her main goal was to find Shuichi Sahara from this view in case he was hiding, but the thing is... Why would he be here if there's so many cops around? It would be difficult to escape. But then again, the police only came here because they heard that there was a sighting for her. Maki was framed by that damn leader, she didn't know his name. But she's seen his face. Ever since Maki attempted to get back at Shuichi, that thief suddenly popped up out of nowhere. She didn't understand why, Maki was sure that the detective didn't like the leader. He was literally on a case to catch him, so why did the phantom thief protect the detective? Many questions to tell yet no answers... The last time Maki went to the police station before getting arrested was when she posed as one of the workers, she was going to shoot him behind his back but later realised how difficult it was. Maki was surprised that he didn't recognise her but she was lucky.

Ducking her head back, she heard a yell. "Over there!" An officer pointed to her direction, "Tch... Get the helicopters, she's already prepared to run." One of them noticed my figure sprinting to the door inside the building, "Get inside the building! And you! Aim your guns." Due to my training, I easily ran with a huge amount of stamina. It took a while to go down to the last floor, good thing I took the elevator. The officers must've thought it would be easier to go up the stairs. "I better not bump into that criminal..." Maki originally thought that she could expose his identity seeing as she's seen his face, but it was a lot harder then it looked. She is on the run, police are after her. How is she supposed to report him and get arrested as well? Opening the door to the back of the building, she knew there would be police standing by the entrance. For once, she had a bad feeling about this. Maki knew that it would be hard to get them off her tail, the helicopters were already coming... Hiding behind another building she didn't recognise, she looked up at the sky. Sirens rang through her ears.

Where did it all go wrong?

Staring down at the device in  her hand, the police were unaware about her other phone. They had blocked it so it was hard for her to contact anyone or any allies.

Opening up her messages, she scanned the screen. The last conversation  Shuichi and Maki had.

Suddenly, her eyes widened. "If I'm going down... Then I'll take you down with me."

Standing up from her spot, Maki ran to the last place she saw him. Accidentally dropping her phone, the device fell onto the ground as the screen reflected the last message she had sent him.

'I'll kill you'

Running out of the building, I sighed in relief. I told them to let me change first before they could question me. And no, I wasn't serious. I was going to change and get out of there. "Shuichi!" Turning my head, I saw my uncle yell out to me from the entrance. "Where are you going?!" Ren chased after me, "S-Stop! Leave me alone!" I ran faster as I heard Yui sigh. "Leave him, we'll call him tomorrow." Ran glared at her. "No, we need this information today-" My uncle quickly cut him off with a whisper, "He's delicate, let him be." Stopping in my tracks,  I turned to face them with a look of betrayal. "D-Delicate..?" They looked up at me, I then scowled at them. "Shuichi, wait-"

"No, shut up!" I saw Yui's face distort into shock, "You don't know what the fuck happened to me!" I screeched at them, now it was my uncle's turn to grow shock. "Your right, we don't." I felt a knife press onto my neck. "H-H-Hey! Put the knife down!" Ren screamed as he aimed the gun up at Maki. As a response, she pressed the knife harder onto my neck. I let out a whimper, my uncle stepped back with a look of worry. Officers nearby aimed their guns as shouting was heard constantly.  I saw Kaede through the window, she looked terrified. There was a bandage around her head and plasters covering parts of her face. My uncle frowned, "P-Please... Put the knife dow-"

"Your little boyfriend has been on my ass, he fucking framed me for that murder!" Maki yelled in my ear, I moved my head slightly to avoid her touch. "B-Boyfriend?" I asked as Maki glared at me, "The phantom thief." Yui's mouth fell open, "The... T-The phantom thief." She whispered to my uncle who was more confused then ever. Ren was on the verge of shooting Maki. "If you shoot, he's dead."  I ignored her words because my mind was already clouded. My head fell with tears falling. Is this how it ends? Why did Maki grow to hate me so much..? Suddenly, a loud bang was heard. Maki fell onto the ground, cries erupted from her mouth. Her leg was bleeding with a hole pierced through, I looked behind me. "Kokichi...?" He had an expressionless face, his beautiful violet eyes looked empty and hollow. As if he had no soul. "That look... It looks so familiar." I whispered to myself as he accidentally heard, he let out a laugh as everyone else including the officers were frozen out of shock. "Your so dense, Shuichi. Do you seriously not recognise me?" My eyes widened.

"Kok- I mean.. The phantom thief won't leave you, Shuichi. He'll keep chasing you."

His eyes felt oddly familiar, as if he's looked into those purple eyes of his before. But those eyes were empty, no emotion to be seen.

"I guess I really am dense, because for once... I saw through your mask."

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