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*sighs deeply, letting it go*
Yeah, you're probably wondering what the hecksies this story's gonna be about. Well, it's complicated. Unlike me...most of the time. *said glancing to the side kinda in denial. Cause it's not just a river in Egypt...haha. Yeah, I'm that kinda person*. Anywho, I'm only writing this cause I have no other options. It's hard to make friends who I can talk to about this stuff. And like, I've been having a roughy, haha. So, like, someone's been on my mind, for a year now. I don't really think about them much, unless it's the holiday and I think of how great it would be to spend it with them. Or during our respective birthdays, when it's too cold or too hot. On lonely nights and days, of course when....okay okay, forget the comment. I can keep listing but you can guess enough by now that they're on my mind for more than what I'd like to admit. I'm aware and I can't honestly say I hate it... Like, it was great knowing them. Their memory calms me.

Getting on with it, I'd like to say, I'm over it, and I am. I just need time...Yeah, maybe I'll always feel at a loss, they were what I discovered later on, was my first true love. I can hear you gaging, I get it. But I'm serious. Usually I can move on pretty quick when it comes to romance, I'm they guy who falls hard, and quick. I don't care about the pieces I might later have to pick. I just love 'love'.

But this one, I can't seem to shake it. It's like something I never thought EXISTED. But here I am, about to lay it all out there. For your reading pleasure of course, haha. But for real, if you're not into mopey, gopey recollections, I encourage/discourage you to keep reading. Cause it's gonna get real. Real, real. Not in a bad way, not in a good way. Just in a way. Periodt.

Okay, rolling up the sleeves, cause we're gonna dive in. *grins perky like* This is a story that may make you cry, or make you sigh. But it's a tale I must share, cause it hurts, way deep inside. An emotion, I'm thinking is way too harsh, and hard to hide...

Longitude+Latitude: happierWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt