Making the Commute

Start from the beginning

"Yes they are but I don't care. Like we are really one little family." I said still in awe. "Also I have to make a call and I might be gone for a little while."

"The mail shouldn't be tampered with. I remember the meeting. Go ahead love I'll text you when he gets up."

"I love you so much." I said kissing her deeply.

"Stop it that's why we're in this predicament now." She said breaking the kiss. "And I love you too now go be amazing."

   I kissed her again and rushed out the hospital. I sent Wells a text telling him that I was no longer with Onika so make sure she gets to Jay room unharmed. Next I had to make a call to the White House and the Secretary of Defense. There is a leak in our sorting team and I'm gonna find out who. It's probably the same person who hit my son. My son, yes I'm press to say it so mind your business. I made sure I had my on the go bag then went and jumped on the jet to the White House. After a few hours I landed, Obama and his Chief of Staff was waiting for me when I walked in the door.

"What's going on?" Obama asked.

"Someone is messing with our mail in the mail room."

"How do you know this?" Jesse asked.

"Look at this and tell me what's wrong with it?" I said giving him the results paper. "Now let me remind you I got that done in an government building."

"Impossible because this isn't gov... Now I see what you're saying. Someone tampered with your mail." Jesse said.

"How do we sift them out cause we can't go in there accusing?" Obama asked.

"Well I've learned that terrorist react two ways to things. They are either really loud or really calm but they only go by the crowd. Whatever the crowd does they do the complete opposite."

"So what are you gonna do?" Jesse asked.

"Easy fire everyone but first let me call some agents." I informed. I made my call and we went to the mailroom.

"I need everyone to stop what you're doing and come forward." Jesse said.

"We need your name and full social so we can mail you your unemployment checks. Sorry to say but we have to let all of you go." I stated. The crowd was pretty mellow all but one guy. He went off as soon as I finished my statement.

"This isn't right! We need our jobs and have families to provide for!" He yelled getting in my face.

"I understand that sir..."

"You don't understand nothing! You still have your fancy job and can provide for your family."

"If you put down your name and social you will receive a check every week to still provide for your family." I said handing him the clipboard. He grabbed it and threw it at me almost hitting me in the head. One of my officers arrested him and we continued checking out the people in the mailroom. After I was done it was off to the interrogation room.

"He is not budging." Jesse said.

"Did you get his prints?"

"Yea they should be back soon."

"Let's wait on those. I like to start with all the facts." As we were waiting my phone rung. "Excuse me." I said stepping off to answer it. "Hello?"

"Hi Dada." My baby boy said softly.

"Hey Superman. How are you feeling?"

"Head hurt." He said sadly which broke my heart. "You come now?"

"I'll be there as soon as I can. By the time you go to sleep and wake up again you will see me ok?"

"Otay Dada I go seep now."

"Okay Superman. I love you."

"I yuv wu Dada. Here Mommy." He said so sweetly.

"Hey sexy."

"Hey gorgeous. Thank you for that this is a rough day."

"I know. After you finish saving the world come on home and hang your cape up. I got it from there." She knows what to say to make me swoon.

"I know you do beautiful. No one got me like you do. Can I..."

"Excuse me, Agent Knowles the prints are back." Jesse said.

"Thanks I'll be right there. Gotta go my love. I love you and I will see you in a few hours."

"I love you too and tell Obama not to hold my baby too long I would love to sleep peacefully tonight."

"I'll let him know. Kiss my babies for me." We said our goodbyes and I walked back towards the room. "So what do we got?"

"Might wanna take a look." They handed me a folder.

"How in the hell did he make it into the mailroom?!" I asked pissed off.

"They swipe a badge so he had to have a badge of some kind. The question is whose badge do he have. Also they picked up two more people from the mailroom who name and social didn't match." I could only shake my head at this mess. I called a meeting for all agents in the conference room.

"Book the three we have underground and get as much background information on the identities they stole. It's in our face people we just have to look a little harder. It's no way that they found these three people at random. Jesse get on the line and call the other mailrooms. This can't be the only one affected. None of them three are allowed to make calls. We will reconvene here in three days." I said then walked out the room.

"The President is requesting you Agent Knowles."

"Thanks Annie I'm on my way." I walked to the Oval Office and Diane let me in.

"Ag... I mean Beyoncé come and have a seat."

"Hello Mr. President."

"So have we figured out what's going on?"

"Not yet fully. We are doing a little more research. We will reconvene in three days. For now I have agents I trust doing mail."

"I really admire the work you do. How would you like to make this permanent?"

"As in stay in DC?"


"Mr. President my mind hasn't changed. I have a family that can not just uproot their lives like that. For now, I'll just make the commute. The longest I can stay at the moment is the rest of this day but I want to get back to my family especially when my little boy is in the hospital."

"Understandable. I thought you had a little girl though."

"Well recently I discovered I have a little boy too. Best gift ever."

"Kids usually are. Well congrats and I don't wanna hold you anymore. Go ahead on home and I'll see you in three days."

   I left and got on the jet heading home. I sent Onika a text but didn't get a reply yet. I love my job but I can't live in DC. How can anyone leave the west coast for the east coast? After a few hours I landed and my phone was blowing up. I called Wells back because he called the most.

"What's up Dante?"

"Get your gear and get to the hospital now! Shit!" He yelled then I heard two gunshots ring off.

(A/N: What the hell happened? Who's shooting at the hospital? When will things finally settle down? Let me know what you think. Don't forget to Vote Vote Vote and Comment Plz.)

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