Chapter 41

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The ten competitors for the Scavenger's Maze had been chosen, Kyra, Ama, and Keane being three of them – which Brightheart was glad of because being in the Maze would keep them safe for a few days – and decorations were being put up in Erolbie. On the first day of Muarrfirn, Kella and Brightheart were allowed to go up the Aker'inra. Everyone was excited, especially the competitors. The pair spent the day with their friends, telling them little tricks about what to do. Brightheart went to the past for a bit to see Enya and tell her of all that was happening. They stayed the night, and returned to the Orrazen camp in the morning.

Serulau rushed in to the Lilacs around mid-morning and held a hushed conversation in a corner of the space between tents. A moment later, he and Jolana hurried off to see the Keldi, and the Commander didn't return until almost noon.
"I have been in an urgent meeting with the Keldi, along with several other commanders. Doriima is planning to attack us on the fourth day of Muarrfirn. We are to attack him first, and he will die. This war will be over by the time the competitors in the Maze are out!" Jolana said. Everyone nodded, then they were dismissed to pack their 'mission things': rations, a blanket, clothes, and a water bottle.

Eight hundred Orrazens were being sent on this final attack, and the troop would leave in staggered groups across the days until they were massed behind the hills beyond the Tarbly camp. The Lilacs arrived around dusk and found the Archers already there. Through the night, the Cyans, Swordsmen, and one other troop arrived. Everyone waited as the soldiers came to the smaller camp behind the hills. On the night before the battle, the Keldi came with her body guards. The rest of the Orrazens had been instructed to attack the Tarbly and disguise the fact that there was eight hundred other soldiers filtrating the Tarbly camp until the last moment. Brightheart was nervous, and only managed to sleep when she called Tnjyl and let her sing her to sleep. They woke when the sun gave even the slightest light, and readied themselves to end the war. Jolana ordered the Lilacs to march into the Tarbly camp. The Archers and the Keldi marched as well. Queen Illadien demanded an audience with Doriima, but the Tarbly soldiers said it wouldn't be possible. The Keldi smiled that it was, knowing full well he would not be out fighting the other Orrazens, and marched on towards Doriima's tent, and someone hunted those Tarbly so they no longer breathed.

They entered Doriima's tent, and saw him sitting on a kind of makeshift throne that, to Brightheart, mocked rather than glorified him – the wood would be better used as firewood. And so it should be, she thought, for he was evil. She bared her teeth, growling, then let out a roar as the Keldi shouted to kill him. The Orrazens yelled 'ariallyeno' and rushed forwards. Those who were still waiting behind the hills would now begin their attack. Doriima ordered his guards to fight, and for a while the wrewolf sat upon his throne watching the battle with a bored expression. However, Brightheart and her team, along with Queen Illadien, soon got through the Tarbly and forced Doriima to his feet.

"Fight, you coward! Don't just sit there watching your soldiers die, do something!" Brightheart yelled at her enemy, striking his arm, angry that so men had to die for someone who wouldn't lift a finger to do anything but kill her.
"What makes you think you're so special that you should be fought by me, who killed your parents?" Doriima laughed, apparently trying to bring her down.
"Because you already tried to kill me, but you're too scared to be able to finish the job," answered the girl, "I'm Brightheart the Dragon-Princess. I am strong and brave, and I have a hopeful heart. I will fight and I will win!"
"You can't win!" Doriima sneered.
"Says you, the cowardly, thieving, stupid, man who calls himself a king. I will always overcome!" Brightheart spat at the werewolf, cackling as she raised her unsheathed dagger high.

With all her strength, Brightheart plunged it down and the werewolf king fell to the floor. She'd done it. Her enemies had been defeated. Brightheart turned and roared, laughing. Anyone who didn't know her well would have thought she laughed maniacally – she had just killed someone, after all – but she was cackling because she was now free from war. Free! Brightheart grinned.

The Orrazens cheered, calling out their war cry 'ariallyeno'. The remaining Tarbly fled. Brightheart walked slowly towards the Keldi and Kella, her mind reeling. Both were smiling, glad the war was won. Doriima's son, Dorriku, lay not breathing on the floor somewhere, leaving no-one to continue the war.
"This destruction is over! Doriima is dead and the Orrazens have won. Any remaining Tarbly must surrender!" Queen Illadien declared, and the message was passed on, dancing on the wind. Brightheart and Kella walked out of the tent and into the sunlight that was dimmed by storm clouds.
"We did it Brightheart! The war is finished," Kella was practically dancing as they wandered through the Tarbly camp. The memories of the last few months filled Brightheart's mind, and suddenly she was overwhelmed.
"I... can't stay. Please don't follow me." The words rolled unbidden off her tongue, and her legs carried her running towards Rustblade's cavern-halls.

The wind blew in Brightheart's hair as thunder rumbled like a dragon roar. She felt bad for leaving the Orrazens to clear up, but she couldn't stop running. Brightheart wanted to hide from everything that had happened because of the Tarbly, and where could she go but where the were-creatures weren't? By the time she reached the forest, she could run no longer but neither could she force her legs to take her back. She continued, never pausing, at last reaching Rustblade. He appeared to be half-asleep but Brightheart knew he was watching.

"The war is over. I don't know why I'm here, I just felt overwhelmed by everything and started running," Brightheart said.
"That's alright, you especially should be allowed to rest after all that's happened," Rustblade replied, his familiar rumbling breath washing over Brightheart.
"I guess I'm trying to hide from my memories, even though it sounds silly. I need to get as far away from the were-creatures as I can," Brightheart sighed.
"Then you should continue. Gather some things and go, and remember winter will be soon," Rustblade said, understanding showing in his wise eyes. Brightheart went into the cave and picked out some of her old clothes, and her bag of special things she'd left wit Rustblade for safe-keeping during the war. It was a shame that her Book was in the Orrazens camp. She left Rustblade's cave just as the rain began to fall.

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