Chapter 6

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                 All the names, places and events are all from the imagination of the Author.

                                                Amber's POV

                      Running feels great they say! But only in the beginning! It doesn't take long before you'll feel pain scorching from your legs, it's like your muscles are being torn apart.

                      When I couldn't take it anymore, I stopped for a bit to catch my breath. My lungs are burning and I was wheezing at that time. My throat screamed the need for water.

                         Smoke, who was way ahead, probably noticed I stopped because he jogged back to me. "Need Help?", he gave me that creepy-old-man grin again.

                          " Do you have water?...without poison in it of course ", You readers probably slapped your foreheads there, but I still don't completely trust him okay! Not until he atleast learns to smile properly!

                            " No, but I know how to get there faster and without you spending so much energy... "

                             THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I NEED RIGHT NOW!

                         " srsly?!, How?!"

                             Smoke straightened up and let out a quick "ahem". He closed his eyes and thick black smoke covered his body. A few seconds later instead of a tall guy, a huge black bear was standing in front of me. I looked at him with awe.

                            " Hop in!", the bear knudged my left leg.

                             " Does this mean you  were also  that talking black cat from a while ago??!"

                             " Correct! Now let us go! The clock is ticking", Smoke said as he lowered his back.

                              I excitedly climbed up.. And positioned myself.

                             " Wohooo! Let's do this", I yelled.

                            He instantly galloped down the street so I grabbed on the thick fur at the back of his neck. It's good that there are no people roaming this place. ( Too early for them to get out of their beds) Otherwise they'll freak out once they see us.

                             With Smoke's inhumane speed we reached the school in no time. I pointed to him the garden and whispered that we should hide over there first. He simply nodded.

                              When we were already hidden, I dismounted from him and he transformed back to his human form.

                             " She will be here soon! All of you turn off your lights, you don't know what she's capable of!", we heard someone barking probably to his goons at the rooftop.

                              Smoke looked at me and whispered, " Why do they seem to be very angry with you? Maybe you did something to them?"

                              I looked at him and exaggerated a gasp as I put my hand on my chest. " For your information, I am a very good girl inside and outside the school. My attendance record is always perfect. My grades? They are always above average! I do not know what you're talking about hmp ", I crossed my arms and pouted.

                               " Pfft yeah okay... Let's focus on our foes, since we already know that they are doing an ambush we have a big advantage. ", he quietly said as he puts his hand below his chin.

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