Chapter 17

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We've all relaxed and it was now 3 o'clock and we still had until 5 o'clock to entertain ourselves. We decided to just lounge around and tell secrets or stories. I have one secret i won't tell. Although, I am pretty much an open book. Between me and you, Megan has a secret crush on Freddie. This will like be the best opportunity for her to tell him. This could also be mine but no, I'm to scared of what he might say.

"So who's willing to go first, any stories you got Natalie? They can be about anything I guess." Mason chuckled.
"Well I do have one forbidden secret..." I was obviously talking about Alfie.
"Tell us then!" Alfie almost shouted. I felt myself blush.
"Umm w-well" I stuttered.
"Come on Nattie!" Megan raised an eyebrow.
"When I was little i er wet myself yeah..." I said, hoping they would buy it.
"HAHAHAHA" All of them laughed hysterically. It's not that funny.
"Hmm how bout Freddie's go." I slyly winked at Megan.
"Well I used to erm have a crush on someone" Freddie buried his head in his hands.
"Ooooooo tell us who this person issssss" Mason coed.
"But I still like her and it will make things awkward around h-here." Freddie stuttered, we've never seen him like his before....
"Wait you said around here, so it must be one of the girls here!" Alfie winked at Freddie.
"M-m" Freddie stuttered.
"MEGAN I KNEW IT" I squealed and jumped up and down like a little girl while receiving a death glare from Megan.
"I think it's Megan's go now..." I raised one eye brow at her.
"I kinda l-like F-Freddie too..." She whispered while hugging her knees.
"OOOOOOOO" everyone coed.

We just continued to tell our secrets and stories for 2 hours and for some reason I feel like we've grown closer. I also feel like Megan and Freddie are soon to be. I ship... Meddie? Fregan? I don't know which one to use at the moment. Me and Alfie however have no progress. Well I have one night to change this until we go back home. I want to change it. What can I possibly do though. I suck at flirting we've established that. I suck at acting cute or stuff like that. Oh what will I do...

We've all had dinner and it's about 8 o'clock now. Our last day dinner seemed much nicer today, we had stir fry. Mmm, just the thought of it tickled my taste buds. It was quite dark ish right now, just the right lighting to see the beautiful shinning stars. We all laid our selves on the grass and admired the stars Alfie was on the end then there was: Me, Ellie, Mason, Megan,Freddie. The stars were beautiful. I saw a shooting star and we all ooed. I shut my eyes and made a wish, well I'd say it's more like wishing for courage to do something. I thought long and hard about it. Stars never bring bad luck do they? Maybe I should just do it, stars are good not bad.

"Come on Natalie do it"
"Urgh yo-"
"I am you before you say anything"
"Look just do it i believe in me... It could be the best thing for you."
"Urgh why do I always give in."
"Come on do it, you might not get this opportunity again"
"Why do I always give in to myself"

I gave into myself. Maybe Oh I don't know. Come on Natalie nobody is watching. I stretched so that both my hands were beside my sides. I used my fingertips to find where Alfie's hands was. Where is the idiots hand. I'm literally shaking right now. I came across something which felt like a finger. Just checking, but yes it was a finger not a rock. I wrapped my finger around his thumb, his hands are quite bigger than mine. Slowly, I made my way from wrapping my fingers around his thumb, to holding his hand. No reaction. I squeezed it a little. He squeezed it back. A smile tiptoed across my face and I looked up at him. His dreamy eyes were fixed on the stars and I could see the beautiful stars reflecting in his eyes. All I wanted to do was snuggle up to him and be in his arms. My heart raced and done loads of loops in my chest. I looked back up and fixed my eyes on the lovely night sky. I'm in love with my bestfriend.

Alfie's P.O.V
I saw a beautiful shooting star and I closed my eyes, I made a wish. I really was relying on this shinning star.

"I wish that Natalie would give me a sign she likes me or whoever."

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