Author's Note

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This might not come as a shock to lot of you but I have decided to end this fic. Most of might know why.

Yes, its partially because of the disgusting 'incident' that took place and also because I haven't been very inspired as well. I have been thinking about ending this fic for some time now, mostly because I didn't have any inspiration to write on. But I thought I could some how push through and give you all a few more chapters.

But the incident just made it clear that I need to do this. I know this might disappoint my readers, hell maybe it won't, but either ways. I would like to apologize to you for doing this. The incident just fucked me over.

I would like to say that I won't be deleting or unpublishing the book, but I will be cutting of the person's parts and adding new ones.

Above all I would like to thank you all of the support you gave me in this book. I highly appreciate it, I really didn't think this would blow up like this tbh, lol. So, thank you.

(OK some shameless promotion can you pls pls pls check out my other book 'Just My Luck'? I would really appreciate that 💜)

So, once again thank you and I love you all. Y'all are the best. Thanks for being my readers.

Until next time,

I love you, my kittens💜💜💜💜

Oh Fuck! (A NCT X Stray Kids Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें