"It's cool. I understand." I gave her a warm genuine smile.

"So, I've decided to go out with Faith." she told me, sounding excited.


I win!

I always win...

"Really? Wow, tonight?" I smiled.

"Yeah. We're going to see that movie Pitch Perfect with the chick from Bridesmaids. Then I think we'll go to dinner." she picked at the food they had brought us.

"Yeah? I think Adrian and Alice saw that last night."

The rest of lunch was normal but Chem was especially weird. Faith took it upon herself to not only sit by us, but save seats for us before we got to class. Maggie instantly gave me this 'wtf?' look when she started waving us over like her arms were dislocated.

It wasn't until Faith finally opened her mouth that I realized the point she was making with this new seating arrangement.

"So about tonight, are you excited?" Faith propped her head up on her hand, her elbow on the desk and her back to me. Because she had chosen to sit in between Maggie and myself, I was completely excluded.

"Um, sure, I guess." is it me or does Maggies smile seem a little put on to you?

That's how the rest of class went, Faith talking to Maggie, Maggie giving me looks that screamed help me, and me ignoring the fact that Faith completely blocked me out.

"So, you all ready to go?" Alice bounced around the room until she passed Adrian who pulled her onto her lap and held her still.

"Yeah, I guess so." Maggie sighed.

She had on straight leg jeans with rips and frays all along the thighs and a dark blue belly t-shirt that was a low, open v-neck at the top. I didn't like that her shirt almost didn't exist.

Not one bit.

Not that I'm concerned about Faith looking at her...

I'm not I swear!

I just don't really think it screams serious relationship. Then again I can't send her out in a pant suit...

She hadn't really put much effort into getting ready for this date though.

"Perfume?" I offered, holding up a bottle of Elizabeth Ardons Red Door.

"No thanks." she stepped back, holding her hands in front of herself like I had an actual gun.

Bitch please...

If I had an actual gun...

You don't even want to know.

Oh snap!

Knock at the door!

"Hey." Maggie answered to Faith.

"Hey, those are for you." Faith held a bouquet of brightly colored flowers up to Maggie.

Okay, flowers?

On a movie date?

That's not very lesbian of you...

"Wow, thanks." Maggie grimaced as she practically shoved the flowers into Averys chest.

"Now you kids don't be out too late!" Catherine gave Faith a stern look.

"Yeah, and I expect you to keep your hands at ten and two on the drive there, little missy." Adrian stepped up behind her, crossing her arms across her chest.

Oh yeah, Adrian and Catherine have been playing the over protective dad role all day.

They're being rather douchey about it too.

Ew, douche.

Okay, moving on...

"Umm, we're walking." Faith said, obviously not getting the joke.

"Yeah, yeah. Just leave already." Catherine practically growled.

"Safe sex kids!" Adrian shouted down the hall after them.

"Well, we're gonna go fuck at your place, Catherine." Adrian stated plainly. She and Alice ran out the door in a fit of giggles.

"Dinner?" Avery asked Catherine.

"Sure. You coming princess?" Catherine asked me.


Not yet...

"Um, nah. I need to call wifey anyway so..."

Please leave now please leave now please leave now please leave!

"Suit yourself." Catherine shrugged and they also left.

I waited five minuted to make sure nobody would forget something and have to come back.

Then, I ran over to the bed, flinging myself down and pulling out my phone.

I texted Kelly, "Baby, you got a sec?"

She replied shortly after, "I've got all the seconds in the world for you :)"

Aww, she's so sweet.

I quickly responded "good, send me a pic."

It took her a while to answer so I thought maybe she wasn't going to do it. She had always been a little insecure even though she looked amazing.

Finally I got one back that read "you first."

Ummmm, deal.

I jumped up, stripping down to complete nudeness and took a picture in the body length mirror across the room.

The next text I got made me drop my precious phone.

It was a picture.

Drum roll please!

It was just the area from Kelly waistline down to her upper thighs...and her hand.

The caption read, "This is what that makes me do to myself."

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