Day one

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The alarm registered in reys' dream before she knew what was actually going on. As she fell out of sleep, she soon realised the time.

What was the point of getting up before the sun? She thought to herself. Lucky for Rey she was a light sleeper so now that she had her eyes open, she might as well get up. She decided on having a quick shower before waking Rose up, quickly she gathered her dress, bike shorts, jacket, socks and sneakers before closing the door to the bathroom.

She only had a quick shower but it was also a well needed one. Letting the warm water undo any tight knots in her muscles and also letting the steam clear out her lungs- it was almost paradise! Except for the fact that once you got out, it pretty much felt like you were going to drop dead of hypothermia.

To make things even better, her netball dress provided barely any warmth so she slipped on her resistance state team jacket with cold, shaking fingers. While running a comb through her hair she woke Rose up.

Both Rey and Rose were running late. It wasn't a secret to both of them so naturally one of them was bound to forget something. Just as they were stepping out of the door Rey remembered that she forgot to pack strapping tape for her ankles.

"Oh shoot, I forgot some things. I will meet you guys in the lobby" she said while turning back into the room. She ran around the room grabbing her strapping tape and spare hair ties. Finally after triple checking the room she deemed it okay to leave.

Just as she was turning around from closing the door she slammed into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" she said instantly stepping back from them only to realise it was the tall boy from yesterday.

"At least I'm not the only one running late" he said starring at the small girl in front of him

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"At least I'm not the only one running late" he said starring at the small girl in front of him. She suppressed a giggle and they both walked over to the elevator. While they were both waiting in the elevator she started pulling her hair into three buns. He watched her from the corner of his eye smiling as she left two strands out to shape her face.

They parted ways when both the first order sport club and resistance sport club stood at either ends of the lobby waiting for both of them.

Naturally the first order took a bus to the venue however, it was a walkable distance and Leia liked to call it a warm up.

The walk there mainly consisted of Rose asking Rey a bunch of questions about the tall boy from next door and why they were staring at each other in the elevator and why they came down together this morning. All Rey tried to do was block it out. Thankfully as mentioned before- it wasn't a long distance.

It was quite the venue. There was 8 indoor courts for the basketball and 12 outside courts for the netball. All up there was about 6 teams of netball (state qualifiers) and 7 teams of basketball (state qualifiers). Each sport club usually had both a netball and basketball team so there would be about 20-30 people per club. The time table for the day stated that each team had about 2 - 3 full hour games per day and lucky for reys team they had the first 2 time slots game free.

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