Chapter Thirty-Five

Start from the beginning

"I still don't trust that bitch," Bucky muttered. "You don't go from trying to bring someone in to helping them, you don't switch sides that easily."

"I would cool it, buddy," Sam muttered. "Could say the same about you, you know."

"Sam," Caden hissed as she instinctively placed a hand on Bucky's tense arm. "Can it."

"Fine," Sam slouched back into his seat with a glare pained across his facial features. 

Bucky took his arm out of Caden's grip. "I'm fine," he whispered. "Can you move your seat up?" He asked Sam, shoving his hand against the back of Sam's seat.

"No," was the only response he got. 

"Guys, stop it!" Caden scolded. "Look!" She pointed out the window, just as Rogers unexpectedly gave Sharon a passionate kiss goodbye before she got into her car.

"What?" They could see Steve mutter as he turned back to their car.

Sam and Bucky merely nodded, smirks adorning both of their faces.

The trios next stop was on the sixth level of an old parking garage at the airport. Here they were to meet Scott Lang, or Ant Man as Sam referred to him. Rogers maneuvered their rickety old car through the narrow parking lot, bringing it to a much needed stop next to a plain gray van that a man in a dark suit and spiked hair was leaning up against. 

"Thank God we made it," Caden exclaimed. "I wasn't sure it could take the load anymore when we started shaking on the third level."

"Fourth," Sam corrected as he patted the dashboard. "Don't doubt her ability to get us where we need to go. We got here in one piece, didn't we?"

"Barely," Bucky mumbled, a small smirk on his face as he looked at Caden. 

Caden sighed comically, rolling her eyes as she pushed Rogers' seat forward to get out. Together the four of them walked towards the van, greeting the familiar face that was waiting for them

"Cap," the man said.

"Barton?" Caden asked. "We called you? I thought you were retired."

"You know I wouldn't have called if I had any other choice," Rogers said as he shook his hand.

"Hey man, you're doing me a favor," Barton brushed any concerns off. "Besides, I owe a debt," he looked to his right as a woman that Caden did not recognize walked around the van. 

"This is Wanda. She joined us after Sokovia," Barton explained when he saw the perplexed look on Bucky and Caden's faces. "You can trust her," he nodded understandingly when he noted the discomfort in Bucky's body language at not just the one but two unexpected faces in front of them.

Rogers nodded. "Thanks for having my back.

"It was time to get off my ass," Wanda smirked ever so slightly, looking up at Barton.

"How about our other recruit?" Sam chirped up, anxiously waiting to see if his guy pulled through. 

Clint laughed shortly as he pulled the van door open. "He's rarin' to go. Had to put a little coffee in him, but... he should be good." He pulled a man who looked either drugged or hung over out of the van.

"What timezone is this?" Scott asked, squinting up at the faces around him. 

Caden looked at Sam with skepticism written all over her face. "This is your guy? Really?" She muttered into his ear. "Can he even stand up?"

"Just wait til you see the little guy in action," Sam said, not phased by her doubt. 

"Captain America!" The awe in Scott's voice drew Caden's attention back to the meeting in front of her. "It's an honor," he said as he shook Rogers' hand in a passionate handshake. "And I'm shaking your hand too long. Wow! This is awesome! Captain America." 

Caden couldn't help but laugh at his awe. Their newest team member, a grown man, was a Captain America fanboy. 

 "I know you, too!" He turned to Wanda, seemingly oblivious to the fact that she rode in the car with him. "You're great!" He turned back to Rogers, feeling his shoulders as if he couldn't believe Rogers was really as beefy as he appeared to be. "Jeez. Uh, sorry. Ah, look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super people, so . . . thinks for thanking of me," he stumbled over his words with excitement before turning to the reason he was even there in the first place. "Hey, man!"

Sam nodded with a smirk. "What's up, Tic Tac?

"Uh, good to see you," Scott stumbled over his words as if embarrassed. "Look, what happened last time when I . . ."

Sam shook his head. "It was a great audition, but it'll . . . it'll never happen again." 

Scott quickly nodded in understanding. "You're Caden Stark," he shook her hand. "Love your work, fantastic."

Caden shook his hand back, a small smile cracking her stern face. "Good to meet you, Mr. Lang."

"And you must be the... man of the hour," he saved his obvious lack of knowledge of what to call Bucky. "Sergeant Barnes?" 

Bucky's arms remained crossed, but he ever so slightly nodded towards Scott in greeting.

"So," Rogers brought Scott's attention back to focus. "They tell you what we're up against?"

"Something about some . . . psycho-assassins?" Scott guessed, before looking at Bucky. "Sorry. Absolutely no offense whatsoever." 

"We're outside the law on this one," Rogers continued. "So, if you come with us, you're a wanted man.

Scott just shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, well, what else is new?"

Before anyone else could say anything, an alarm started sounding  throughout the airport grounds. 

"We should get moving," Bucky said anxiously.

Barton nodded. "We got a chopper lined up."

A man started reading an announcement over the PA system in German.

"Buck, you know what he's saying?" Caden asked.

Bucky nodded. "They're evacuating the airport."

"Stark," Sam muttered.

Rogers shook his head with a sigh. "Suit up."

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