Wide Awake

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Chapter Fifty-Four - Wide Awake

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Chapter Fifty-Four - Wide Awake

a/n: damn. i don't really want to write this chapter. so sorry if this isn't released for a while. i thought about since this is fanfic not including Finn's death, but I don't know because i've tried not to change the whole plot dramatically to make it seem realistic and credible to the show, and i don't think i can write around this. 

I felt numb. That was all I could say. It had been Blaine's birthday when I had gotten the call. I had been having dinner with Pam, Blaine and Cooper as usual. I wouldn't have picked up if it was anyone but my Dad, because Dad never called. He told me to come home, I cluelessly asked why reluctant given it was my fiance's birthday meal. Then he started crying, and then he said those words and I told him I'd be there straight away, then hung up.

"Poppy? What's up? Is everything-" He didn't get a chance to finish as I fell into his arms, sobbing, uncontrollably. He kept asking me, but I couldn't speak, I couldn't even process anything. All I could do was sob. Eventually I choked the words out, though each word stung and I knew Blaine was doing everything he could not to break down with me. He was his friend too, but he was my brother.

"I'll drive you home Poppy," Pam assured me, knowingly. I wasn't probably in the best position to drive, and I knew that. He came with me, holding my hand in the back of the car. Nothing seemed to piece together, my entire world was flipped and I was barely even thinking, let alone breathing.

The next month was the slowest and quickest passing of time. The pain didn't go away, it just became more familiar. People were delicate to me, I felt like a china doll being held up. So fragile, one loose finger could mean my fall and I would smash.

Everyone fought over the jacket for a while we had found when clearing the room. I had wanted it, but Kurt had been quick to claim and I wasn't going to fight him. I had taken his coudroy jacket he had been wearing more at college, still fresh of the scent of him when I had first wrapped myself into it.

Blaine had probably been the best person I could have ever asked for, the best fiance. He was my light at the end of the tunnel, and thinking about the proposal and the rest of my life with him, the guy I had been so overwhelmingly in love with, it got me through. I spent a lot of time at his house, I started to feel less guilty about being happy there, whereas we were still sore at home, still grieving. He told me Finn would have wanted me to be happy, and I knew he was right. I remembered when I had told Finn about the proposal, which he couldn't attend due to an exam he had on the day. He was so happy for me and Blaine, unlike a few other of our friends. We spent the whole call talking about both of the upcoming weddings in our family. Excited for the future. He was so happy about me and Blaine though, and that's all that mattered.

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