The day dragged by slowly and Kairi bit his lip, overthinking things.

What if the plan doesn't work?

What if Valerie catches them?

What will he do when he sees Alejandro?

Oh god. Alejandro.

Poor Alejandro. Kairi knew that they both weren't emotionally stable to meet each other. 

The alarm in his room struck one o' clock and there was a faint knock on the door. Kairi tumbled out of bed and opened the door to reveal Maiya, eyes wide in excitement.

"Hurry Kairi!" Maiya whisper yelled as she fled down the stairs in her socks.

Kairi huffed and balanced the stack of papers in his hand.

"Slow down and be quiet, Maiya. You need to chill," Kairi hissed as Maiya accidentally bumped her foot against the wall. The sound echoed throughout the mansion and the guard snoozing at the door stirred a little.

The sibling let out a relieved breath when the guard slipped back into a deep slumber. Maiya crept towards the guard's belt where a ring of keys hung. She swiftly snatched it and ran back to Kairi where they did a silent victory cheer.

"They have really good and really bad sercurity," Maiya retorted.

Kairi bit back a laugh and returned his focus to the keys in his hand. He fumbled around and sighed in frustration. Why were there so many damn keys? Atlas, Kairi turned the right key and pushed the basement door open.

It was basically an underground prison. Maiya wrinkled her nose and dry gagged, pinching her nose.

"Here," Kairi said, handing Maiya half of the papers.

Together, they slipped a piece of paper between the bars, into each cell. Maiya ran out of papers and Kairi motioned for her to return back to her room.

"Be careful," Maiya whispered and fled the basement.

Kairi walked to the last cell and gasped. Robert sat cross legged on the ground, staring straight at Kairi. His dead and dull eyes bore into his soul and Kairi saw how miserable the boy was.

"Oh my god, Robert! Here, take this," Kairi said, handing the latter the pamphlet.

Robert arched an eyebrow and read the plan, his face morphing into one of surprise.

"I'm impressed, Kairi. But what happened with Alejandro?" Robert asked.

"I'm really sorry but Valerie forced me to go along with the act. I'm sorry for getting everyone into this mess but I'll get you out! Also, here. Take my phone. You can text Taylor," Kairi whispered.

Robert's face lit up and he reached for the phone.

"Thanks Kai, I owe you one," Robert replied gratefully.

Kairi scurried out of the basement and locked the door behind him. There were some extra copies in his hand and Kairi counted that there were 37 people in the cells. 

Now it was time to go give the paper to Alejandro.

Kairi tiptoed down the hall and stood face to face with the room he used to be tied up in. Kairi took a deep breath and spent a minute trying to find the key to the door. He unlocked the door to see Alejandro on the ground, shackles on his ankles and chains on his wrist, binding him to the wall.

The boy was sleeping peacefully and Kairi tucked a piece of paper by Alejandro. He knelt down and gently caressed the latter's face, holding back tears.

"I'm so sorry," Kairi whispered and got up. 

Kairi reached the door when he heard shuffling behind him. He froze, fearing that he got caught but he nearly crumbled when he heard Alejandro speak.

"Kairi?" Alejandro rasped.

Hearing that familar voice that made his world light up, that used to wake him up everyday, that used to lull him to sleep, broke Kairi's walls.

He turned around slowly, directing his gaze to the ground.

"Yeah?" Kairi replied, biting his lip as tears pooled in his eyes.

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry-

But it didn't last long when salty tears streaked down his cheeks and each breath felt like he was inhaling glass.

"Come here bubs," Alejandro sighed, stretching his arms wide.

Kairi staggered forwards and fell to knees, hugging Alejandro tightly. Alejandro let out a soft grunt as Kairi hugged his bruises but he didn't care. He got Kairi back. Alejandro's heart clenched as Kairi wailed into his shoulders, taking ragged breaths as he shook.

"I-I'm so sorry," Kairi sniffed, cupping Alejandro's face in his hands.

"Look at you. Oh my god. I caused all of your pain. I can't bear to have that on my conscience. I love you, no matter what bullshit Valerie makes me say, I love you. With all of my being and heart. I'm gonna get you out of here, I promise," Kairi exhaled.

"I know you will. Go, before you get caught. I'm assuming that the paper is your plan to breakout, right?" Alejandro asked.

"Yep. Just hang in there. You'll be out of here in no time bubba," Kairi answered and kissed Alejandro's cheek. 

He left the room and locked it again. Then, Kairi took the key to Alejandro's room and the key to the basement off of the ring. He returned the keys to the guard and dashed back into the room. His heart thumped with excitement and exhilaration.

Alejandro was beyond relieved to discover that the whole thing was just an act. Now that Alejandro reflected on the act, it seemed utterly stupid and obvious. Such clownery. 

How could he believe that Kairi loved another man so quickly? Especially a gross man like Donovan. That man radiated small dick and future pedophile energy.

 He trusted Kairi and Alejandro felt disappointed in himself for believing the phony act. All of those precious and rare tears that were shed. At least now he knows what heartbreak feels like. 

A huge weight flew off his shoulders and now, Alejandro craved vengeance. 

Bloody vengeance. 

«  »

she updated again this week?! who is she?

but fr, I got too much time on my hands

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