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A note from a lost one.

(11:21 pm)
I am awake again. Still cant sleep. So many thoughts in my head and Im running out of will to even type this.

I have a boyfriend. I really love him. This July 30, our relationship would reach its first anniversary.
Its exciting? I guess? He would be my first to ever have a relationship with that reached 1year.

I should be happy right?

But I'm not. I dont feel happy. I know why? I don't know why? Im not sure of anything anymore. My thoughts and words misplaced. My every core feel so scattered im feeling lost what is right and what would be wrong.

Im too tired to reach out to anyone. Too tired to explain what is happening to me. 'Cause im confused whats happening too.

I feel so lost

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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