"Are Tommy and Joel out?" Ellie asked Jesse.

"Yeah, they headed out early this morning." Jesse replied.

"That sucks." Ellie said.

"Yep. Can't imagine they got much sleep. Definitely not as much as you two." Jesse said sarcastically.

"Shut up." Ellie said as she pulled on her gloves.

"We were just about to get up." Dylan replied.

"Mm-hmm." Jesse hummed as the twins opened the door.

"We were." Dylan stated.

"You guys got everything?" Jesse asked as Dylan shut the door behind them.

"Yes." Ellie sighed.

The trio began to walk to the gate, when Jesse turned back to talk to them.

"Heads up, you guys are the talk of the town this morning." Jesse informed as they continued on their way.

"Ugh. What?" Ellie asked.

"Let me see if I got this right, you kissed Dina-" Jesse said.

"She kissed me." Ellie replied.

"Which triggered Seth to call you a...not-so-nice word..." Jesse continued.

"Yep." Ellie said.

"Then Dylan decked him, which in turn landed him on his ass. Then Joel also decked Seth-" Jesse said.

"More of a push." Ellie stated.

"And then you guys got mad at Joel? That part confused me." Jesse informed.

"It was a strange night, man." Ellie replied.

"Sounds exciting." Jesse smiled.

"Hold up, I did not end up on my ass. If Joel hadn't had got involve, Seth would be in the infirmary right now." Dylan informed.

"Did Seth knock you to the floor in one punch?" Jesse asked as he looked to Dylan as they made their way round the greenhouses.

"Yeah, but..." Dylan replied.

"So, you landed on your ass. Under different circumstances, things may have been different, but he still put you on your ass in one punch, dude." Jesse smirked.

"Shut up, asshole." Dylan grinned at Jesse.

"By the way, Maria wants a word with you two." Jesse informed the twins.

"Where is she?" Ellie asked.

"The diner." Jesse replied.

"Is this about Seth?" Dylan asked.

"No clue." Jesse replied as they made it to the gate.

"Just tell her you never saw us." Ellie said.

"Nope." Jesse replied with a smirk.

"Where's your fucking loyalty?" Ellie asked.

"Excuse me?" Jesse asked as he looked to Ellie with a grin.

Dylan opened the gate heading to the main part of town, allowing Ellie and Jesse pass before shutting it behind him.

"Hey, so...We're okay, right?" Ellie asked Jesse.

"You and me? Yeah, of course. Dina and I are done." Jesse replied.

"I know. I just didn't want you to think-" Ellie started.

"Ellie, we're cool. Promise." Jesse stated with a small smile.

Dylan wrapped his arm around Ellie's shoulders, comforting her as they made their way through town and towards the diner.

My Sister's Keeper (TLOU Ellie x Brother OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora