Wreck it Ralph? O.O

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From: Cherry Blossom (she's awesome)

Me: Another dare!

Hiro: Is it unicorns again?

Me: Nope. We get to watch Wreck it Ralph, then tell our reaction to the movie.

Tadashi: Okay, then let's start!

Watching the movie XD

Me: Ralph, you betrayed Vanellope!

Hiro: Wow...

Tadashi: Vanellope... I feel bad for her.

Fred: I don't get it. *eats pizza*

Honey Lemon: Fred! How do you NOT get it?

Me: Ralph, all this for a stupid gold medal.

Go Go: These characters really need to toughen up.

Huntress Writes: Candyland....

Wasabi: So sad. *sniffles*

Me: Well I think we all agree that Wreck it Ralph is a really good movie.

Oh and Cherry Blossom, get better soon!
Ask and dare!

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